By the time I began teaching in the early 1970s, everyone already seemed to be in business for himself, looking for the best dea

admin2011-03-10  26

问题     By the time I began teaching in the early 1970s, everyone already seemed to be in business for himself, looking for the best deal, which meant the least teaching for the most money at the most snobbishly well-regarded schools. The spirit of capitalism! for all that might be said on its behalf, wreaks havoc when applied to culture and education. The English novelist David Lodge neatly caught this spirit at work when he created, in two of his academic novels, the character Morris Zapp. A scholar-operator, Zapp, as described by Lodge, "is well-primed to enter a profession as steeped in free enterprise as Wall Street, in which each scholar-teacher makes an individual contract with his employer, and is free to sell his services to the highest bidder." Said to be based on the Milton-man Stanley Fish, an identification that Fish apparently has never disavowed but instead glories in, Morris Zapp is the freebooter to a high power turned loose in academic settings: always attempting to strengthen his own position, usually delighted to be of disservice to the old ideal of academic dignity and integrity. Fish himself ended his days with a deanship at the University of Illinois in Chicago for a salary said to be $250,000, much less than a utility infielder in the major leagues makes but, for an academic, a big number.


答案 我20世纪70年代早期开始教书的时候,人人都已经好像在进行一场交易,寻找最划算的生意,意味着到最名牌的大学教最少的课赚最多的钱。在任何事情上都能体现出来的资本主义精神用在文化和教育上造成巨大破坏。英国小说家大卫·罗奇(David Lodge)在他的两本学界小说里明确地抓住了这个精神,创造出莫里斯·哉普(Morris Zapp)这个人物。“大卫·罗奇描述了学者投机家哉普是个准备好进入像华尔街一样唯利是图的自由企业里,其中每个学者或老师和他的雇主签署个人协议,可以自由地把自己的服务卖给出价最高者。”据说他的原型是研究弥尔顿的斯坦利·菲希(Milton-man Stanley Fish),菲希从来没有否认过,相反一直为这个身份引以自豪。莫里斯·哉普是在根基松动的学界大厦中的劫掠者:一直试图巩固自己的地位,一直以损害从前的学界尊严和正直为乐。菲希自己临终前一直在位于芝加哥的伊利诺伊大学当系主任,据说工资是25万美元,比一个主要棒球队的能攻善守的内场手赚的钱少多了。但对一个学者来说,已经是很大一笔数目。

解析     本篇翻译使用了从句转化动词短语、修饰语前置、形容词转化副词等技巧。原文对教书这个职业被当做生意、交易的现象进行描述,句子较长,总体难度中等偏上,有部分词汇比较不好理解,因此翻译时应着眼于全篇,不应局限在一句话中来推断某个字词的意思,出现人名和地名等翻译应准确。
   1.the least teaching for the most money at the most snobbishly well-regarded schools:到最名牌的大学教最少的课赚最多的钱。
   2.on its behalf:代表,体现,when引导的从句前置。 two of his academic novels:位簧提前做状语。
