Extracurricular Activities and the Time Spent on Them 课余活动及其所花时间 A.Study the following charts carefully and write an essay of 16

admin2015-04-21  37

问题 Extracurricular Activities and the Time Spent on Them
A.Study the following charts carefully and write an essay of 160-200 words.
B.Your essay should cover these three points:
1)the main extracurricular activities students take part in and the time they spend on them
2)possible reasons
3)your suggestions


答案 The bar chart and the pie chart illustrate the main extracurricular activities students commit themselves to and the time they spend on them. To be exact, students spend 93 minutes daily on doing homework, which accounts for the biggest share (39%) of their spare time. It is followed by watching TV (46 minutes) and listening to music (34 minutes), representing 19% and 14% respectively. Doing exercise (25 minutes) and using computers (30 minutes) account for a mediocre share, representing 10% and 13% , while students only spend 12 minutes (5%) on doing house chores. From this finding, it could be deduced that students are, on the one hand, overwhelmed by the excessive study load, which almost squeezes out their spare time that could otherwise be spent on taking exercise or helping with their family chores. On the other hand, students seem to know how to overcome or counteract the stress from study. That’s to say, they will relax themselves by watching TV, listening to music and using computer. To improve the existing extracurricular activities structure, schools and teachers are advised to decrease students’ study load, freeing up more time for them to promote physical health and family bonding.

解析     柱状图和饼形图反映了学生的主要课余活动及其所占的时间比例。由图可知,学生相当一部分的课余时间用于做作业和看电视。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,文章内容可以安排如下:
