Exactly when in the early modern era Native Americans began exchanging animal furs with Europeans for European-made goods is unc

admin2019-11-17  23

问题 Exactly when in the early modern era Native Americans began exchanging animal furs with Europeans for European-made goods is uncertain. What is fairly certain, even though they left no written evidence of having done so, is that the first Europeans to conduct such trade during the modern period were fishing crews working the waters around Newfoundland. Archaeologists had noticed that sixteenth-century Native American sites were strewn with iron bolts and metal pins. Only later, upon reading Nicolas Denys’s 1672 account of seventeenth-century European settlements in North America, did archaeologists realize that sixteenth-century European fishing crews had dismantled and exchanged parts of their ships for furs.
By the time Europeans sailing the Atlantic coast of North America first documented the fur trade, it was apparently well underway. The first to record such trade—the captain of a Portuguese vessel sailing from Newfoundland in 1501—observed that a Native American aboard the ship wore Venetian silver earrings. Another early chronicler noted in 1524 that Native Americans living along the coast of what is now New England had become selective about European trade goods: they accepted only knives, fishhooks, and sharp metal. By the time Cartier sailed the Saint Lawrence River ten years later, Native Americans had traded with Europeans for more than thirty years, perhaps half a century.
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the Native Americans mentioned in line 24?

选项 A、They had little use for decorative objects such as earrings.
B、They became increasingly dependent on fishing between 1501 and 1524.
C、By 1524, only certain groups of Europeans were willing to trade with them.
D、The selectivity of their trading choices made it difficult for them to engage in widespread trade with Europeans.
E、The selectivity of their trading choices indicates that they had been trading with Europeans for a significant period of time prior to 1524.


解析 Inference
The question asks about information that can be inferred from the passage. The Native Americans mentioned in the 1524 chronicles accepted only certain kinds of European goods in trade. The passage indicates that these Native Americans had become selective about which goods they would accept, which implies that by 1524 they had been trading long enough to determine which European goods were most valuable to them.
A The passage does not imply that these Native Americans had no use for decorative objects, only that they did not desire to obtain such items through trade with Europeans.
B The passage does not suggest that the Native Americans’ dependency on fishing changed over time.
C There is no indication that any groups of Europeans were unwilling to trade with these Native Americans.
D The passage notes that the Native Americans were selective in their trade choices but does not suggest that such selectivity made widespread trade difficult.
E Correct. The passage notes that by 1524, the Native Americans had become selective about which European goods they would accept, and the passage takes this to indicate that the trade with Europeans significantly predated 1524.
The correct answer is E.
