A、Self-composed. B、Silent. C、Intense. D、Ambitious. A女士提到了另一种烟民,他们喜欢抽烟斗。女士认为这类烟民是内心镇定而满足(calm,contented)的,A与之意思相近,为答案。B“沉默”、C“热烈”

admin2019-04-25  31

M: Excuse me, madam.
W: Yes?
M: I wonder whether you’d help us. We’re doing a survey on smokers’ habits. Would you mind...?
W: Well... I’m in a bit of a hurry actually.
M: It’ll only take a few minutes. We’d very much appreciate your help.
W: Well all right. I can spare that I suppose.
M: Thank you. You are a smoker.
W: Yes I’m afraid I am. My husband is too. As you can see... I’ve just bought the week’s ration.
M: Would you describe yourself as being a heavy smoker?
W: Heavy…no. I wouldn’t call three packets of twenty a week heavy smoking. That’s not even ten a day. No... a light smoker. My husband... he’s different...
M: Yes?
W: I get in twice as many a week for him. He smokes twenty or more a day.
M: You wouldn’t describe him as a chain-smoker...?
W: No... he’s not as bad as that.
M: Right... Thank you Mrs...?
W: Trump. Doris Trump.
M: ... Mrs. Trump, you and your husband smoke cigarettes I see. What about cigars or a pipe? Does your husband smoke a pipe?
W: Oh he’s never smoked a pipe. He’s the restless, nervy type. I always associate pipe-smoking with people of another kind... the calm contented type... As for cigars I suppose he never smokes more than one a year—after his Christmas dinner. Of course I only smoke cigarettes.
M: Right. Now let’s keep to you Mrs. Trump. When and why—if that’s not asking too much—did you begin to smoke? Can you remember?
W: Yes... I remember very well. I’m thirty-two now... so I must have been... er... yes... seventeen... when I had my first cigarette. It was at a party and—you know—at that age you want to do everything your friends do. So when my boyfriend—not my husband—when he offered me a cigarette I accepted it. I remember feeling awfully grown-up about it. Then I started smoking. Let’s see now... just two or three a day... and I gradually increased.
M: I see. That’s very clear. Now... Might I ask if you have ever tried to give up smoking?
W: Yes—twice. The first time about six months before getting married. Oh, that was because I was saving up and... yes... I used to smoke more in those days. Sometimes thirty a day. So I decided to give it up—but only succeeded I’m afraid in cutting it down. I still smoked a little...
1. Why does the man stop the woman?
2. In what terms does Mrs. Trump describe herself as a light smoker?
3. According to Mrs. Trump, what would pipe-smoking people be like?
4. At what age did Mrs. Trump start to smoke?
5. Why did Mrs. Trump try to quit smoking for the first time?

选项 A、Self-composed.


解析 女士提到了另一种烟民,他们喜欢抽烟斗。女士认为这类烟民是内心镇定而满足(calm,contented)的,A与之意思相近,为答案。B“沉默”、C“热烈”和D“野心勃勃的”与女士所述不符。
