A、Mental diseases. B、Sleep problems. C、High blood pressure. D、Heart problems. A本题设题点在列举处。受访者认为经常锻炼是很重要的,并指出缺少运动会增加患病的几率,根据句(2)可知

admin2017-03-20  34

Interviewer(M)        Mrs. Ralph(W)
Now, listen to Part One of the interview.
M: Mrs. Ralph, we know that you have done some of the largest studies on exercise and health. Would you like to give us some tips on how to exercise and keep fit?
W: I would be glad to.
M: I have been doing what I can to stay healthy. But my friends are mostly(1)young and healthy. They say they are doing fine without exercises. Is regular workout really that important?
W: Sure it is. If one doesn’t exercise regularly, he’s missing out a lot. A person who is inactive may increase his chance of disease. For one thing,(2)he may have sleep problems or easily catch a cold, to say the least. And obesity is often the result of lack of exercises. So high blood pressure and heart problems may develop as he grows old. On the other hand, if one adds regular activities to his life, he is sure to benefit.
M: What are some of benefits, can you tell us?
W: Yes.(3)If you work out regularly, studies suggest, you’ll reduce your risk of heart attack, cancer, and high blood pressure. You’re likely to extend your life with vigorous exercise. Even moderate exercise half an hour of light physical activity most days will lessen your chance of disease. Besides, regular workouts, regardless of intensity, can help you control stress, anxiety, and depression.
M: Hmm... That sounds amazing. No wonder I will feel restless if I omit one or two sessions when I am too busy. But another question is, what types of exercise are there to keep fit?
W: Basically, there are four types of workout that help us get in shape. The first type is(4)cardiovascular exercise. This exercise helps strengthen the heart by working it harder. Swimming, running, brisk walking, vigorous rowing, or just anything that you need to exert yourself to do to burn calories and make the heart beat faster.(5)Eventually, your heart becomes more efficient and your pulse rate will be slower at a given level of exertion.
M: Like an athlete, you mean?
W: Exactly. But an athlete strives to do his best to come out first, while we want simply to stay healthy.
This is the end of Part One of the interview. Questions 1 to 5 are based on what you have just heard.
1. According to the interviewer, what attitude do most young people hold towards keeping healthy?
2. Which is NOT one of the risks for a person to stay inactive?
3. What could be the benefit of regular workout?
4. According to the interviewee, which type of exercise does "brisk walking" belong to?
5. What may be the result of cardiovascular exercise?

选项 A、Mental diseases.
B、Sleep problems.
C、High blood pressure.
D、Heart problems.


解析 本题设题点在列举处。受访者认为经常锻炼是很重要的,并指出缺少运动会增加患病的几率,根据句(2)可知,缺乏锻炼的人可能会睡眠不好,容易感冒,而且随着年龄的增长会出现高血压和心脏问题,对话中并没有提到精神疾病,故答案为[A]。
