
admin2021-05-10  10

问题     房地产业作为国民经济的基础产业和主导产业,其发展历程不是一帆风顺的。在20世纪50年代中期到20世纪80年代初,我国房地产市场是不存在的。在这期间土地资源和房屋资源的配置不通过市场,而直接由政府的计划指令配置,公开的房地产市场基本被取消。因此,从20世纪80年代算起,我国的房地产业仅仅经历了20余年,正从不成熟期向成熟期过渡。但是,在此期间我国房地产业也经历了复苏、繁荣、衰退、萧条的周期波动。


答案As the basic and dominant industry, the real estate industry develops into the process of the continuous adjustment. From the middle 1950s to the early 1980s, there didn’t exist the real estate market m China. During that period, the allocation of land and house resources was under the plan of the government instead of the real estate market which was cancelled. Therefore, China’s real estate industry has been only growing up for 20 years since 1980s and entering into the period of development with steady steps. However, it has also undergone the cycle fluctuation of revival, boom, recession and depression.

解析 1.第一句中的“其发展历程不是一帆风顺的”是一句完整的话,而翻译成英文后缺少谓语部分,所以要进行词性转换,把“发展”转换成动词作谓语;此外,“基础产业和主导产业”可译为the basic and dominant industry。
2.第三句有三个短句,若顺译,不但不符合英语的严谨性,而且破坏了原文简练的风格,故根据第一和第三短句都有“市场”这一名词,可把第三个小短句译成定语从句;“土地资源和房屋资源的配置”译为the allocation of land and house resources,“政府的计划指令”可直译为the plan of the government;在第三个小短句中,“市场”前有一个“公开的”修饰语,文中没有译出,其实市场本身就是公开的,所以可省译。
3.第四句和第五句之间为转折关系,故可以通过连接词However连接上下文;此外,文中说房地产市场由不成熟期向成熟期过渡,翻译成英文略显哕嗦,可省译为entering into the period of development with steady steps。
