
admin2019-04-11  57

问题 什么是“道”?道即道路。最早的路在水边,因为原始人每天都要去水边饮水或取水,那时人们都是光脚板,光脚板踩在沙泥地上,脚上又常带着水,所以很容易踩出一条光溜溜的像“刀”一样的东西,原始人就把脚下踩出来的痕迹叫作“刀”,也就是“道”。“道”与“刀”谐音,在甲骨文里“道”原本写成“刀”。从古至今,人类就一直行走在“刀”上。道即路人。路人踩出了道路,我们一看见道路就知道这里有人。道就是走路的方法。地上的路有通衢,有歧路,有大路,有小路,有暂时的路,有永久的路。所有的路都有起伏弯曲,人就是要用起伏弯曲的方法来走路,同时尽量选择最短的路线。道即“到达”。任何道都有起始与终结,按道(方法)走道(道路)的人将很快到达。世上只有一种真正的道(路人),那就是通向自身。


答案What does "Tao" mean? Tao refers to the road. The earliest road appeared on the bank as the primitive people went to drink or take water by the river. People at that time stepped on the sandy land with water on the naked feet. Thus, a trail as smooth as "刀" formed. And they just called the trail "刀", which is Tao. "Tao" and "刀" are homophonic and "Tao" was written as " 刀" in the inscriptions on bones. Since the pristine day towards today, human being has been walking on the "刀" all the time. Tao also refers to the passer-by. The road formed because of the passers-by’s treading. We know that there was people’s presence immediately watching the road. Tao also refers to the way you walk. There are straight road and forked road, main road and minor road, temporary road and permanent road. As all the roads undulate, twist and turn, people have nothing to choose but the devious route and meantime the shortest one. Tao refers to the arrival. Every road has its beginning and ending. If you tread the Tao(road)according to Tao(way), you will arrive at the ending soon. There is only one real Tao(passer-by), which leads to self.

