A、A hotel. B、The student hostel. C、Another family. D、An apartment. D①由对话可知,男士在搬出寄宿家庭之后就和其他两个学生一起租住在一套公寓里,D项正确。②B项有一定迷惑性,需注意对话中提到

admin2018-02-08  17

W: Hi, Bill. Come on in. How are you doing today?
M: Fine, thanks.
W: Well, as I explained on the phone, I’m a counselor here at the Student Services section of the university and I’m interviewing overseas students so I can draw up a guide for new students. I’d be grateful if you could tell me a little about your time since you’ve been here in Cambridge.
M: Good idea. I’m glad I can help.
W: I’d like to start from a few questions. Where are you from?
M: I am from Canada.
W: And how did you feel Cambridge when you first arrived?
M: I like it here. [6]I think the city is very beautiful. Well, some of my friends from China told me they were struck by how quiet it is here in the evening.
W: Yes, Cambridge is a quiet place. A perfect place to study, I guess. Where did you live when you first arrived?
M: At first I stayed with a family for three months. [7]They were very kind to me but they had three young children and I found it difficult to study.
W: Right, I see.
M: So after three months I moved out and [8]now I live with two other students in an apartment.
W: It’s cheaper than the hostel on campus, isn’t it?
M: It is. But what I like most about it is that we can cook our own meals. I have friends who live in the student hostel on campus. They said the food there was awful.
W: Oh dear. I’m sorry to hear that. And what about your studies? What are you studying?
M: I’ m doing a Bachelor of Environmental Studies.
W: Ah, right, and how are you finding that?
M: Yeah, well, it’s been pretty good really. I’ve enjoyed the course, but I feel there hasn’t been enough contact with the lecturers. They all seem to be incredibly busy. The only chance I’ve really had to talk to them was on the field trip.
W: Well, that’s no good. Could anything be done to improve the course in your opinion?
M: [9]I think it would be helpful to have meetings with lecturers on the course. Say once a fortnight-something like that.
W: [9]Regular meetings. That could certainly help.
M: Also, some students have language difficulties. They come from non-English-speaking countries and are having a hard time in class.
W: OK, I see. That’s something we can work on. [10]I’m thinking about starting this project called Global Buddies. We can actually create a website that provides information about overseas students who need help in improving their English and the local students who volunteer to help them. Then we can hold regular activities that allow them to have some fun and get to know each other. In that way, the overseas students can practice their listening comprehension and oral expression. They may find it easier to fit in the new environment as well.
M: That’s a great idea.
6.What is the man’s first impression on Cambridge?
7.Why did the man move out of the host family?
8.Where does the man live after moving out of the family?
9.What is the man’s advice on improving the course?
10.How does the woman plan to help students with language difficulties?

选项 A、A hotel.
B、The student hostel.
C、Another family.
D、An apartment.


解析 ①由对话可知,男士在搬出寄宿家庭之后就和其他两个学生一起租住在一套公寓里,D项正确。②B项有一定迷惑性,需注意对话中提到的hostel是男士朋友的住的地方,不是男士搬离寄宿家庭之后住的地方。A、C两项在对话中并无线索,因此可以排除。
