Study the following chart carefully and write an essay in which you should 1)describe the chart briefly, 2)analyze possi

admin2015-12-28  26

问题     Study the following chart carefully and write an essay in which you should
    1)describe the chart briefly,
    2)analyze possible reasons for the trend, and
    3)give your point of view.
    You should write 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)


答案 The bar chart shows the number of the applicants for the national entrance examinations for postgraduate schools from 1997 to 2010. With the exception of 2008 and 2009, the corresponding figures display a dominant ascending trend. The trend reflects that more and more college graduates choose to continue their studies after graduation. Of all the reasons accounting for it, such as the growing popularity of certain fields and the expansion of enrollment, misgivings about unemployment are the primary one. It is true that further postgraduate education can postpone one’s employment to some extent, but it cannot guarantee a better job. The gap between education background and practical skills has long been recognized, so that some companies prefer a graduate with three-year work experience to a fresh graduate with Master degree but without any on-site practice. Moreover, postgraduate education is a choice designed for those who are suitably determined to dedicate themselves to academic researches, the choice not being a universal one. It is quite predictable that more cases of unemployment will arise provided that the supply of postgraduates exceeds the demand of the job market. A11 in all, the entrance examinations for postgraduate schools are not the sole way to a better life.

解析 本篇作文主题非常贴近考生的现实生活,考生既可以跳出自己的身份评论当前的考研热现象,也可以从自己参加考研的出发点谈谈感想。图表反映出的现象(考研人数总体而言逐年递增)比较容易描述,本文的重点在于怎样写好现象、分析与评论,只要言之成理,无重大语言错误,皆可获得较理想的得分。
