A、The library is not just a place for quiet reading as before. B、More and more people go to the library, but fewer and fewer of

admin2011-01-08  42

Now, should a library be a quiet place to read a book or a lively centre where you can hang out and drink coffee? And can it be both? Author Tracy Chevalier who is also chairman of the Society of Authors, told MoFo News she is worried library is sacrificing books in favor of internet access and other facilities. Lena Techaty has mom.
    Where I live? I have just a very small public library and, urn, I’ve noticed over the years that there are fewer and fewer shelves and more and more computers that’s just slowly taking over and there are fewer and fewer places to sit in and look at any books and there are fewer books.
    Is she right? Are books disappearing from our library shelves? Lena’s figures show that in the UK last year, while people visiting libraries increased, the number of books in libraries actually fell by 3%. And the amount spent on books and other reading material also dropped, com- pared that to near 20% rise in the money spent on online resource.

选项 A、The library is not just a place for quiet reading as before.
B、More and more people go to the library, but fewer and fewer of them are for borrowing a book.
C、Last year, the UK government spent 20% more money on the online resource than on books and other reading materials.
D、Last year, the UK government increased its investment on the online resource in the library by 20%.


解析 本题也属于事实细节题。考生对a项(图书馆已经不像从前那样只是安静看书的地方了)和b项(越来越多的人去图书馆,但是来借书的人却越来越少了)比较容易做出判断,但是c项(去年,英国政府对图书馆网络资源的投入比上一年在这方面的投资增加了20%)和d项(去年,英国政府对图书馆网络资源的投入比同期对书籍和其他阅读材料的投入多出了20%)这两个选项却很容易混淆。根据文中最后一句话——政府在书籍和其他阅读资料上的投资有所下降,而与之相反,在网络资源上的投资却提升了近20%,这上涨的20%指的是相对于去年投在网络资源上的钱,而并不是与图书等其他阅读资料相比的。故d项正确。
