"Flexibility" has become a key metaphor potently vivifying a variety of contemporary life discourses.【F1】As capital becomes more

admin2014-06-13  23

问题     "Flexibility" has become a key metaphor potently vivifying a variety of contemporary life discourses.【F1】As capital becomes more globalised and national economies increasingly integrated on a global basis, flexibility becomes both a key goal in. and a means of, maintaining and increasing economic competitiveness. Organizations are expected to respond flexibly and rapidly to market changes and a premium is now placed on the need for flexibility not only within workplaces hut also between them. Within this context are located interlinking discourses of flexible organizations, flexible workers and a consequent perceived need amongst managers for flexible structures, modes and contents of learning to service these organizations and workers.
    【F2】Given this context, flexible learning can be seen as both a condition of and contributor to changes in the social and economic division of labor, the organization and management of work and production, and the management of workplace culture. Flexible learning is also, from an educational perspective, a-bout the appropriate provisions required to meet such changes. Traditional knowledge canons and pedagogics are increasingly seen as inflexible, challenged and displaced by more flexible contents and modes of learning regarded as more congruent with the flexibility in labor processes, markets, products and patterns of consumption that characterize post-Fordist processes of flexible capital accumulation.【F3】All this has contributed to accelerating the breakdown of the university’s monopoly of knowledge legitimation and to a developing consciousness that the university is no longer the only or principal site in which "valid" learning occurs.
    As well as socio economic and technological changes, the significance of changes in the cultural climate are an important means of understanding the contemporary workplace. These latter, to a large extent, are both the cause and outcome of postmodernism as a generalized social consciousness that involves the undermining of foundations, centers of authority and canonical knowledge and more decentred forms of social and economic organization. This has contributed to an acute consciousness of change, stimulation of diversity and difference and a consequent need to be ’flexible’. The message now is that we all need to be adaptable in uncertain and troubled times.
    【F4】This simultaneous, continuous and rapid change—in both the higher education sector and in contemporary workplaces—is both an outcome and a reinforcement of a perceived urgency for continuous adaptation and flexible approaches to learning. Emerging in several OECD nations including the UK and Australia are university led work-based learning awards.【F5】These award programs can be aptly understood as an instance of flexible learning, characteristic of a contemporary situation that increasingly and significantly privileges "learning" as the term preferred over "education". This is manifesting not only flexibility in learning but also a flexibility of learning. This entails a reconfiguration of traditional educational principles of disciplines-based curricula, canonical texts, courses with fixed beginnings and ends, and face-to-face teaching.



