客家话(Hakka Chinese)是汉语的一个重要分支,主要分布在中国南方和台湾地区。由于客家人相互之间长期处于封闭状态,因此,客家话发展出众多的变体和方言。尽管如此,客家话仍然被视为客家人的身份象征。历史上,客家话曾是太平天国(Taiping Heav

admin2014-09-30  33

问题     客家话(Hakka Chinese)是汉语的一个重要分支,主要分布在中国南方和台湾地区。由于客家人相互之间长期处于封闭状态,因此,客家话发展出众多的变体和方言。尽管如此,客家话仍然被视为客家人的身份象征。历史上,客家话曾是太平天国(Taiping Heavenly Kingdom)的“国语”,广泛用于其官方文书中。随着社会的发展,客家人与其他族群交流越来越密切,客家话的传播与传承出现了危机,因此,现在越来越多的人加入到了保护客家话的行列。


答案 Hakka Chinese, as one of the major Chinese language varieties, is mainly spoken natively by the Hakka people in southern China and Taiwan. Despite the numerous variants or dialects it has developed due to the long isolation among the Hakka people, the Hakka language is still considered as a symbol of identification among them. Serving as the national language of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Hakka Chinese was wildly used in its official documents in history. With the development of society, however, Hakka Chinese is facing dissemination and inheritance crisis because of the increasingly close communication between the Hakka people and people from other ethnic groups, and thus more and more people are dedicated to the preservation of Hakka Chinese.

解析 1.第一句中,语言的“分支”一般用variety一词,这是语言学上的术语,当然,我们也可以翻译为branch;“分布”应当意译为be spoken natively by,因为语言分布在哪里就是被哪里的人使用,翻译的时候勿死抠字眼。
3.第四句采用分词作状语,使语言更有层次感,比“Hakka Chinese was the national language of Taiping HeavenlyKingdom,and was wildly used in its official documents in history.”两个简单句更有文采。“国语”可译为nationallanguage。
4.最后一句虽然没有标识词,但是通过前后对比,不难看出中间存在语气的转折,故翻译时需体现。“交流越来越密切”本来是动词词组,为使句子简洁,这里变成名词词组increasingly close communication,increasingly相当于more andmore。“传播”译为dissemination,“传承”译为inheritance。
