结合下面的漫画,写一篇短文介绍你是如何度过自己的周末的。请选择一幅漫画写。 注意:开头语已为你写好。 People have different ways to spend their weekends.And I have mine.

admin2009-09-15  32

问题 结合下面的漫画,写一篇短文介绍你是如何度过自己的周末的。请选择一幅漫画写。

People have different ways to spend their weekends.And I have mine.


答案 People have different ways to spend their weekends. And I have mine. I am a music fan, especially pop music, like the Black Duck Band, the SHE band, and many others. Their songs and music are always energetic and exciting. I often enjoy their tapes in the morning. Of course, I am not an out-and-out pop fan, because I like classic music, too, such as Beethoven’s symphonies and Tschaikovsky’s music. I also play some music myself in the afternoon and evening. Piano is what I have learnt to play, though compared with those classic and popular musicians, I am still a green hand. But as the proverb goes, "Where there is a will there is a way." I hope, with my never-ending practice, I will become a twenty-first-century Tschaikovsky.

解析 本文选择了“娱乐”作为材料写作。文章分四个层面写:第一层用一小段两句话开头:度周末的方式因人而异,我有我的方式。第二层写自己喜爱流行音乐和歌曲,列举了诸如黑鸭子、S.H.E。等歌唱队。第三层写自己并非彻头彻尾的时髦派,还喜欢古典音乐,如贝多芬和柴柯夫斯基的音乐。上午欣赏,下午训练。第四层写自己练习钢琴,虽然仍是新手,但“有志者事竟成”,相信自己能成为21世纪的柴柯夫斯基。文章用了and many others许多其他的(乐队);out-and-out地地道道的;compared with与……比较;as the proverb goes正如成语所说;never-ending practice永不停歇的训练;a twenty-first-century Tschaikovsky 21世纪的柴柯夫斯基(用“—”连接的复合词)。
