茅台酒(Maotai liquor)独产于贵州省茅台镇,拥有2000多年的历史。茅台镇的气候、土壤和水质成就了茅台独特的口感。清代(the Qing Dynasty)时期,茅台成为第一个大规模生产、年产量达170吨的中国白酒。1951年茅台获得了一枚金牌,

admin2016-04-20  28

问题     茅台酒(Maotai liquor)独产于贵州省茅台镇,拥有2000多年的历史。茅台镇的气候、土壤和水质成就了茅台独特的口感。清代(the Qing Dynasty)时期,茅台成为第一个大规模生产、年产量达170吨的中国白酒。1951年茅台获得了一枚金牌,第一次赢得了国际声誉。同年,在中华人民共和国成立后两年,茅台被指定为国酒。自此茅台一直用于外国元首和贵宾来访中国时官方场合的宴会。


答案 Only made in the town of Maotai, Guizhou Province, Maotai liquor has a history of more than 2,000 years. The climate, soil, and water contribute to the unique taste of the drink. During the Qing Dynasty, Maotai became the first Chinese liquor to be produced in large-scale production with an annual output of 170 tons. It first won international fame when winning a gold medal in 1951. Maotai was also named a national liquor in 1951, two years after the founding of People’s Republic of China. Since then, Maotai has been used on official occasions in banquets with foreign heads of state and distinguished guests visiting China.

解析 1.第1句有两个分句,汉译英时通常将其中一句设为主句,另一句则处理成非主句形式。此处把“拥有2000多年的历史”作为主干,而把前半句处理成状语,用过去分词短语来表达,译作Only made in the town ofMaotai,Guizhou Province。
2.翻译第3句时,先翻译主要结构(Maotai became the first Chinese liquor),而定语“大规模生产、年产量达170吨的”较长,故将其处理成后置定语,“大规模生产”实为被动动作,译为to be produced in large-scale production:“年产量达170吨”用介词短语with an annual output of 170 tons来表达,表伴随。
3.翻译第4句“……茅台获得了……,第一次赢得了……”时,将后半句处理成主句,而前半句“1951年茅台获得了一枚金牌”处理成时间状语,译作when winning a gold medal in 1951。
4.按英语表达习惯,第5句中的时间状语“同年,在……成立后两年”置句末,把“在中华人民共和国成立后两年”(two years after the founding of People’s Republic of China)处理成“同年”的同位语,因两次出现“年”,为避免重复,“同年”译为in 1951。
