Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpre

admin2019-09-14  50

问题 Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking into the microphone. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in English, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the dialogue only once. Now, let’s begin.
A: Mr. Mei, thank you for doing this interview’with us. I was at the show tonight. I must say that I’ve never seen anything like this before, and I was absolutely thrilled by the performances. They are delicate and yet extremely powerful. What has brought you and your Peking Opera Troupe to Washington this year?
A: Peking Opera is regarded as the cream of the Chinese culture, and it has earned a name as the "National Opera" . Your father is seen as a great Peking Opera master who created a special artistic school—the Mei School. As a successor to the Mei School, what do you see as your responsibility?
A: Your father’s performing tour in the U. S. in 1930 was hailed’as a diplomatic triumph and a gift of peace to the world. Do you think it is still relevant today? What legacy did it leave to today’s generation?


答案A:梅先生,感谢您接受我们的采访。今晚的演出我也观看了。说实在的,我从未看过这样的表演,觉得特别精彩。表演非常细腻,有很强的感染力。是什么使你和你的京剧团今年来到华盛顿演出? B: I’m glad you enjoyed it. This year is unusual as a number of things are happening. It is the 120th anniversary of my father, Mei Lanfang, and the 84th anniversary of his U. S. performance tour in 1930. I am 80 years old this year, and it’s the 35th anniversary of the establishment of China-U. S. diplomatic relations. It is a great year, isn’t it? A:京剧是中国文化的精髓,被称为“国粹”。你父亲是京剧大师,创建了“梅派”表演艺术。作为“梅派”京剧的继承人,您如何看待自己身上的责任? B: The Mei School of Peking Opera represents an important part of the Chinese opera culture, and it has a unique style of performance. I am the second generation of the Mei School. Thanks to years of efforts made by Mei School artists both at home and overseas, and with the help and support of the cultural authorities in China, the Mei School is flourishing. The performers tonight are mostly the third generation of the Mei School artists. A:您父亲1930年来美演出被盛赞为一次外交胜利和一件送给世界的和平礼物。您认为他的访问今天仍有意义吗?它给我们今天的人们留下了什么? B: Mei Lanfang was the first Chinese actor to present Peking Opera to the world. His American tour 84 years ago enhanced cultural exchanges between the East and the West. He is famous for his performing art, and he earned international renown for his love of world peace. Our performance in the United States is to pay a tribute to him and to share with American audience both his art and his longing for world peace.

