被称为“90后”(the post-90s)的中国新生一代拥有一种完全不同于父辈的文化。他们是首批伴随着互联网长大的一代。在网络平台上,“90后”以多种方式表达自我。他们在社交网络上闲逛。在微博上发帖,组成有成千上万成员的所谓“部落”。利用“火星人”(Ma

admin2023-02-19  28

问题 被称为“90后”(the post-90s)的中国新生一代拥有一种完全不同于父辈的文化。他们是首批伴随着互联网长大的一代。在网络平台上,“90后”以多种方式表达自我。他们在社交网络上闲逛。在微博上发帖,组成有成千上万成员的所谓“部落”。利用“火星人”(Martian)语言交流。在这样一个信息化时代长大,他们很容易形成自己的判断力,不受父母的影响。相对上一代而言,90后虽然更容易叛逆,却更自信,更富有进取心,也能够更好地适应新环境。


答案The new generation of China, called "the post-90s", has a culture totally different from the elder generations. They are the first generation that has grown up with the Internet. On the network platforms, "the post-90s" express themselves in various ways. They hang out on social networks and post on microblogs. They form what some have described as "tribes" that can consist of thousands of members and communicate via "Martian" language. Growing up with easy access to information, they tend to form their own judgments, independent from the influence of their parents. Compared with the last generations, "the post-90s", though more likely to be rebellious, are more confident. They are much more enterprising and able to better adapt themselves to a new environment.

解析     1. 首句主干为“中国新生一代拥有一种文化”,“完全不同于父辈的”处理为culture的后置定语。“父辈”是翻译难点,译成the elder generations,不用older或者old,因为elder更显尊重之意。
    2. “他们在社交网络上……语言交流”此句较长,虽然主语都是they,但一连串动作会导致句子过于冗长。此处使用分译法,分成两句。
    3. “在这样一个信息化时代长大”在句中作状语,意译成growing up with easy access to information,而没有直接译成growing up in such an information age,是因为前一译法更加直观体现“90后”成长在信息时代下的特点。
    4. 末句较长,“相对上一代而言”可处理为过去分词短语作状语的形式;“虽然更容易叛逆”处理成though引导的从句,主句为the post-90s are more confident…。本句也可拆译成两句,将“更富有进取心”单独译为一句。
