Some universities in China set up a rule that students are not allowed to display their affection in public. If students are fou

admin2021-05-24  38

问题         Some universities in China set up a rule that students are not allowed to display their affection in public. If students are found kissing or hugging on campus, they might be expelled from the college. Some think that these regulations are somewhat ruthless. The following article provides detailed information about this issue. Read it carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
        1. summarize briefly the article;
        2. express your own opinion, especially on whether we should allow students to display their affection on campus.
        Display Your Affection But Think of the Public, Too
        Nearly 40,000 people have joined an online debate over whether a college has the right to interfere in public display of affection by students on campus.
        It all started with a media report about a unique part-time job that the Nanjing University of Forestry created for its students four years ago. Wearing red armbands as identification, the students patrol the campus, discouraging their schoolmates from spitting, littering, vandalizing school property and stepping on lawns.
        But their most controversial assignment is to stop students from displaying "intense intimacy", such as kissing, embracing, or sitting on each other’s laps.
        The university is proud of its program. Jinling Evening News quotes one school official as saying: "The program not only creates nearly 100 part-time jobs, but also helps to maintain a civilized environment." The campus is "clean", the official said, now that students are encouraged to show some restraint in public.
        Not surprisingly, the students see it a bit differently. One student complained that the monitors always appear when she and her boyfriend "just try to sit a bit closer".
        Another student, a junior who calls himself Ah Wei, said online that he and his girlfriend no longer meet to talk in the campus garden. "We felt as if there was always a pair of eyes watching us," he wrote.
        The student monitors feel torn. They like having a job, but they are afraid of offending their schoolmates. About two-thirds of the online posts appear to favor the monitors; about one-third opposes them.
        I certainly understand the students’ position. After all, who wants a chaperone hovering around during an intimate moment? College students are adults; they should be responsible for their own actions without being monitored by others.
        We Chinese have come a long way in openly expressing our emotions, including affection. Confucius dictated that men and women should observe propriety. Ancient rituals even forbade men and women from touching hands. A lot of barriers have fallen since China began to open up 30 years ago. Go to any middle school after school and you will see students streaming out of class, boys and girls chatting and laughing together. It is not uncommon to see boys and girls holding hands or even kissing if they think no one is watching. College-age men and women are adults and should enjoy even more freedom.
        On the other hand, I do hate to see young people indulging in acts of intimacy in public, oblivious to the feelings of others. A colleague of mine recently found herself crowded at one end of a subway car, while a pair of teens disported themselves at the other end. "All the people around me just tried to pretend the boy and girl weren’t there," my friend said. The Nanjing University of Forestry may have gone too far, but it is their job to teach youngsters to behave in public so as not to offend people’s sensibilities.


答案 How Far Should Public Display of Affection Go? In the article, the author mainly presents us readers a controversial assignment and airs his/her view on students’ display of affection in public. On the one hand, the author is in favor of more freedom in terms of students’ expression of emotions in that he/she believes that college-age men and women are adults. On the other hand, the author hates to see excessive public display of affection unaware of others’ feeling and hopes youngsters can behave in public. As far as I’m concerned, we should allow students the freedom of public display of affection (PDA) in its mild forms, but not in its strong forms. To begin with, displaying affection in an appropriate manner will contribute to the intensity and stability of the relationship. Public display of affection, by definition, entails mild forms and strong forms. Holding hands, hugging and brief kissing fall into the category of mild forms. If students choose to exhibit their love through mild forms of physical intimacy, as depicted above, I think university authorities should not restrict these behaviors. While I am in support of the mild forms of PDA, I am not suggesting that students can show off their love by taking some extreme forms of physical intimacy. For instance, in a school canteen, where many students are having their lunch, they will certainly be irritated by a couple who starts touching each other in a seductive way. Extreme physical contacts in public will only embarrass and disgust people. In this case, universities should educate students to pursue their emotions in a sensible way. As John Keats, the famous English poet, put it, "Beauty is truth, truth beauty." When students feel like expressing their true love in an acceptable way, we should allow them to share this beautiful moment with others. But for other affectionate exhibition, universities should advise them to keep it to themselves.

解析         材料以网上的一个辩论展开对大学生在公众场所亲热(public display of affection by. students on campus)这一话题的探讨。
        作者对大学生在公众场所亲热持有保留的支持态度。一方面,作者认为大学生已经是成年人,他们有表达自己情感的自由(College-age men and women are adults and should enjoy even more freedom);另一方面,作者又讨厌看到在公众场所的亲热行为(do hate to see young people indulging in acts of intimacy in public),希望年轻学子关注周围的人的感受,在公共场所注意自己的行为举止(behave in public so as not to offend people’s sensibilities)。
