在农业科技领域,中国正不断缩小与发达国家的差距,科技进步对中国农业的贡献率已由1949年的20%上升到现在的42%。农业科技部门在生物技术、高新技术、基础研究方面均取得较大进展,植物细胞培养及其应用研究处于世界先进地位。大豆杂交(hybrid beans)

admin2015-11-30  43

问题     在农业科技领域,中国正不断缩小与发达国家的差距,科技进步对中国农业的贡献率已由1949年的20%上升到现在的42%。农业科技部门在生物技术、高新技术、基础研究方面均取得较大进展,植物细胞培养及其应用研究处于世界先进地位。大豆杂交(hybrid beans)优势利用研究也获得了重大突破。与此同时,许多新的先进技术也得以在生产中广泛应用。


答案 In the sphere of agricultural science and technology, China has been narrowing its gap with the developed countries. The contribution rate of scientific and technological progress to China’s agriculture has increased from 20 percent in 1949 to 42 percent. The sci-tech agricultural departments have made tremendous progress in bio-technology, new and high technology and basic research, while the cultivation of plant cells and research on its application have already reached world advanced level. An important breakthrough has been made in the utilization of the advantage of hybrid beans. Meanwhile, many new advanced technologies have found extensive application in agricultural production.

解析 1.第一句中,“缩小与……的差距”通常译为narrow the gap with…。“贡献率”可以翻译为contribution rate。原文中的“现在”可以不用译出,因为动词的时态已经清楚地表明了这一点。另外,原文是一句话,译文我们翻译成了两句,这样较为自然。如果翻译成一句,可以翻译为Inits constant efforts to narrow its gap with the developed countries in the sphere of agriculturalscience and technology,China has increased the contribution rate of scientific andtechnological progress from 20 percent in 1949 to 42 percent.
2.第二句中,“世界先进地位”通常译为world advanced level。这里,我们需要注意这个词组与动词的搭配。“处于”和“达到”世界先进水平都可以用reach,但是表示“处于”时最好用现在完成时。
4.最后一句中,“得以在……中广泛应用”一般翻译为have been extensively applied in…。这里我们译为have found extensive application in…更为自然贴切。在较为正式的文体中,常常需要把汉语中的动词转化为英语中的名词形式译出。
