Like many concepts in social psychology, aggression has many definitions, even many evaluations. (l)Some think of aggression as

admin2013-11-29  35

问题     Like many concepts in social psychology, aggression has many definitions, even many evaluations. (l)Some think of aggression as a great virtue(e. g. "the aggressive businessperson"), while others see aggression.
    The fact they we do keep the same word anyway suggests that there is a commonality:Both positive and negative aggression serve to enhance the self. (2)The positive version, which we could call assertiveness, is acting in a way that enhances the self, without the implication that we are hurting someone else. The negative version, which we might call violence, focuses more on the "disenchantment of others as a means to the same end
    Although the life of animals often seems rather bloody, we must take care not to confuse predation — the hunting and killing of other animals for food-with aggression. (3) Predation in carnivorous species has more in common with grazing in vegetarian species than with aggression between members of the same species. Take a good look at your neighborhood cat hunting a mouse;He is cool, composed, not hot and crazed. In human terms, there is not the usual emotional correlate of aggression;anger. He is simply taking care of business.
    That taken care of .there remains remarkably little aggression in the animal world But it does remain. We find it most often in circumstances of competition over a resource. (4) This resource must be important for"fitness, "that is, relevant to one’s individual or reproductive success. Further, it must be restricted in abundance; Animals do not, for example, compete for air, but may for water, food, nesting areas, and mates.
    It is the last item-mates-that accounts for most aggression in mammals. And it is males that are most noted for this aggression. (5) As we mentioned earlier, females have so much at stake in any act of copulation (求偶结合)-so many months gestation, the increased energy requirement, susceptibility to attack, the dangers of birth, the responsibility of lactation-that it serves their fitness to be"picky" when looking for a partner. If females are picky, males must be show-offs:The male must demonstrate that he has the qualities that serve the female’s fitness, in order to serve his own fitness. Deer are a good example. Mind you, this need not be conscious or learned; in all likelihood, it is all quite instinctual in most mammals. It may possibly have some instinctual bases in us as well.


答案肉食动物的捕食行为与草食动物吃草的行为类似,而与同种动物之间的争斗不同。句子中有个比较结构:Predation in carnivorous species…more in common with…than with,这样肯定的是than前面的内容,否定了than后面的内容。词汇方面,predation意为“捕食方式”,carnivorousspecies意为“食肉动物”,grazing意为牧草,vegetarian species意为“食草动物”。

