你的一位外国朋友Sarah 要来你的城市住一段时间,不巧你不能陪她熟悉环境。请给她写个指南,给她介绍城市的生活和行走路线。 注意:开头语已为你写好。 Dear Sarah, I’m so glad you’ll visit our city

admin2009-10-15  32

问题 你的一位外国朋友Sarah 要来你的城市住一段时间,不巧你不能陪她熟悉环境。请给她写个指南,给她介绍城市的生活和行走路线。

  Dear Sarah,
    I’m so glad you’ll visit our city for a few days.


答案Dear Sarah, I’m so glad you’ll visit our city for a few days. But unfortunately, as I am having exams, I can’t meet you at the station and take you around. When you go out of the station, walk east along the South Bank Street. The hotel is two blocks away. After your check-in, you need to register at the police station, Go west along the South Bank Street till you come to New Jiangnan Road. Turn north and walk one block farther. The station is at the corner of Riverside Avenue and New Jiangnan Road. Pass the New River Bridge and you’ll see a shop where you can buy necessities you may need. There are lots of scenic spots in our city, mainly along the riverside. You can have a tour with the city travel agency. Enjoy the stay.

解析 这是一篇指南性的信件。首先应看清楚地图,熟悉车站、邮局、公园、学校、银行、商店、公安局、饭店、景点以及街道和桥梁的位置,然后想象你的朋友下车后可能要做的事情,如先到宾馆住下来(check in),再到银行兑换外币  (exchange money),再到商店买点必需品(necessities),可能还要去公安局办理暂住手续(register at the police station),或者去邮局发信,去学校参观,去景点游览等。街道、桥梁和景点的名字可音译,也可意译。
这是一篇指南。首先用I’m so glad...but... 这样的句型表示歉意,然后说明理由。接着用一连串祈使句指示行走路线,如:walk east along...;go west along... ;turn north...;pass等。最后介绍景点的位置,然后用enjoy your stay 祝愿她玩得愉快。在翻译街名、路名、桥名的时候,能用意译更好,也可用音译。用意译多加定冠词the,音译名词则不加。
