I’ ve come to the San Jose office park where eBay is housed to nose around and figure out what makes this business apparently im

admin2010-02-20  23

问题     I’ ve come to the San Jose office park where eBay is housed to nose around and figure out what makes this business apparently immune to the dot-com curse. Whitman has promised to transform eBay from an online auction house into a much bigger, general-purpose shopping destination B the first place people turn when they want to buy, well, anything at all. Analysts, who applaud this strategy and are reassured by Whitman’s record, see eBay as the one company that really taps into the boundless Potential of the internet. There’s truth in that. EBay owns no inventory or warehouses, which helps make it highly profitable. It has cleverly used e-mail, message hoards, and the natural watchfulness of its virtual community to forge bonds with customers and police the behavior of its buyers and sellers. Its Website enables small sellers to participate in a vast market place -- and lets eBay collect few on even the tiniest of trisections. Long alter investors gave up on other dot-coma hammered their stocks, they ere still betting on obey.


答案 我来到电子港湾中所在地的圣何塞办公区,以探察和弄清是什么使该企业对.com公司的厄运具有明显的免疫力。惠特曼许诺要把电子港湾从一个网上拍卖行改造成一个巨大且能满足各种要求的购物目的地——人们在想要购买任何东西时都求助的第一个地方。分析家们认为由于港湾是惟一真正利用了因特网的无限潜力公司。电子港湾不拥有任何库存或库房,这使它的盈利能力达到很高水平。它巧妙利用了电子邮件、留言板和自己的虚拟社区,建立了同顾客之间的纽带,并监管买卖双方的行为。它的网站使小贩得以参与一个庞大的市场,使公司能够从哪怕是最小的交易中收费。在投资者放弃其他.com公司并重创其股票之后很久,他们仍然把赌注押在电子港湾上。

