
admin2022-04-23  56

问题     在距离二孩政策执行一年之后,中国很有可能在今年年底迎来生育高峰。据南开大学人口和发展研究所的袁欣教授表示,目前许多想要生二胎的女性正处于妊娠期。国家卫生和计划生育委员会副主任王培安表示,目前形势总体符合预期。今年上半年总共有831万个婴儿出生,同比去年增长6.9%。王培安表示,在新生婴儿中44.6%是二胎,比前一年增长了6.7个百分点。随着二孩政策的实施,大量符合资格的家庭正在选择生育二胎。


答案 China is likely to encounter a peak in births at the end of 2016, one year after the implementation of the country’s two-child policy. According to Yuan Xin, a professor of the Population and Development Institute at Nankai University, many women who currently intend to have a second child are now in pregnancy. Wang Pei’an, Vice Minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, remarks that the situation is generally within expectations. A total of 8.31 million babies were born in the first half of this year, increasing 6.9 percent from the same period last year. Of those babies, 44.6 percent were second children, up 6.7 percent from the year before, Wang adds. With the implementation of the two-child policy, large numbers of eligible families are choosing to have a second baby.

