Young mums shopping in the Copley Mall in downtown Boston last month found themselves being questioned about their use of soap b

admin2013-06-26  26

问题     Young mums shopping in the Copley Mall in downtown Boston last month found themselves being questioned about their use of soap by students from Harvard Business School (HBS). The students were not doing odd jobs to earn beer money. They were preparing to help a firm in Brazil launch an
    Fieldwork—i. e. , going out and talking to people—is a big change for HBS. Its students used to sit in a classroom and discuss case studies written by professors. Now they may also work in a developing country and launch a start-up. "Learning by doing" will become the norm, if a radical overhaul of the MBA curriculum succeeds.
    Nitin Nohria, who became dean of HBS in July 2010, has long lamented the failure of business schools to fulfill their mission of turning management into a profession similar to law or medicine. Asked what should be expected from someone with an MBA, he replies that "obviously, they should master a body of knowledge. But we should also expect them to apply that knowledge with some measure of judgment. " MBA students have long been sent on summer internships with prospective employers, but HBS, like most business schools, did little else to help them with the practical application of management studies.
    The new field practice will include three elements. First, team-building exercises. Students take turns to lead a group engaged in a project such as designing an "eco-friendly sculpture". They learn to collaborate and to give and take feedback.
    Second, students will be sent to work for a week with one of more than 140 firms in 11 countries. Already the new intakes have had conference calls with these companies, ranging from the Brazilian soapmaker to a Chinese property firm.
    In the third novel part of the course, students will be given eight weeks, and seed money of $ 3,000 each, to launch a small company. The most successful, as voted by their fellow students, will get more funding. It remains to be seen if this amounts to much more than a business-plan competition, though Mr. Nohria says he hopes some real businesses will be created.
    In January, the vote in favor of trying the field method had been held among HBS professors, and the result is "as enthusiastic as you could get from a faculty," says Mr. Nohria, wryly. The experiment does not come cheap, adding 10-15% to the course’s cost, which HBS will bear while it figures out what works. Besides, it is unclear how much the one-week working assignments will achieve. Pankaj Ghemawat, a management guru, says "the literature suggests that an immersion experience needs to be at least 2-3 weeks and be backed up with time in the classroom. " The HBS students’ classroom preparation will have to be pretty thorough, then, to make up for the brevity of their field trips.
The intention of Nitin Nohria to launch the new curriculum is to______.

选项 A、help students to obtain internship opportunities from prospective employers
B、provide students with systematic guidance on the application of management learning
C、manage the business school in the same way that the law or medicine school is operated
D、help students to accumulate experiences necessary for starting their own business


解析 本题主要考查对文章第三段内容的理解。第三段内容讲到尼廷.诺利亚自从2010年担任哈佛商学院院长以来,就一直对于哈佛商学院“重知识学习,轻知识应用”的现状感到不满,他认为哈佛培养的商业人才应该是既掌握大量的理论知识,同时又知道如何将所学知识运用到实践中的复合型人才。“obviously,they should master a body of knowledge.But we should also expect them to apply that knowledge with some measure of judgment.”第三段最后一句话还提到,尽管哈佛学生一直以来都有在暑假参加实习的传统,但是哈佛商学院在帮助学生应用所学知识方面做得远远不够。因此他提出修改教学大纲的目的,就是要为学生应用商业知识提供更加系统性的指导,[B]选项为正确答案。[A]答案过于片面,主要是利用原文中的internships with prospective employers设置干扰。[C]选项,断章取义,原文提到了法律和医学这两个职业,但是诺利亚院长的目的并不是要以管理这两个学院的方式来管理商学院,而只是要借鉴这两个行业的某些做法。[D]答案过于片面,帮助学生运用所学知识,并不一定指帮助他们创业。
