
admin2021-08-09  32

问题     在亚洲西部,巴勒斯坦和约旦交界处,有一个“死海”。远远望去,死海的波涛此起彼伏,无边无际。但是,谁能想到,如此浩荡的海水中竟没有鱼虾、水草,甚至连海边也寸草不生?这大概就是“死海”得名的原因吧。然而,令人惊叹的是,人们在这无鱼无草的海水里,竟能自由游弋;即使是不会游泳的人,也总是浮在水面上,不用担心会被淹死。真是“死海不死”。


答案 The Dead Sea is located at the border of Palestine and Jordan, in the west of Asia. If looked at from afar, the waves in the boundless sea are rolling. However, out of everyone’s expectation, no fish, shrimps or water plants can survive in the vast sea, not even a blade of grass grows on its shore. Probably that is how the Dead Sea gets its name. Nevertheless, what is more astonishing is the fact that people can swim freely in the sea in which there is no fish and waterweeds, even non-swimmers can always float on the surface of water and do not need to worry about they might be drowned. It is true that " the Dead Sea is actually alive" in this way.

解析 1.第一句中“有一个‘死海’”其实讲的是死海的地理位置,翻译时可使用短语be located at,“巴勒斯坦和约旦交界处”可译为the border of Palestine and Jordan。
2.第二句中“远远望去”可译为If looked at from afar,“无边无际”可译为boundless,“波涛此起彼伏”可译为the waves are rolling。
3.第三句中,“谁能想到”可译为out of everyone’s expectation,“寸草不生”可译为not even a blade of grass grows on its shore。
4.第四句的翻译可使用表语从句,译为Probably that is how the Dead Sea gets its name。
5.第五句翻译时需注意理解上文谈到的,“海水中竞没有鱼虾、水草,甚至连海边也寸草不生”,这已经很让人惊叹了,而本句说明的内容,即“人们在这无鱼无草的海水里,竟能自由游弋”,应该是更使人惊叹的事情,因此综合上下文的语气考虑,本句中“令人惊叹的是”可译为what is more astonishing is the fact that…,“不会游泳的人”可译为non-swimmers,“被淹死”则译为be drowned。
6.最后一句中“死海不死”可译为“the Dead Sea is actually alive”。
