
admin2012-05-18  47

问题     我常常听人说,他想读一点书,苦于没有时间。我不太同意这种说法。不管他是多么忙,他总不至于忙得一点时间都抽不出来。一天当中如果抽出一小时来读书,一年就有365小时,十年就有3650小时,积少成多,无论什么研究都会有惊人的成绩。零碎的时间最可宝贵,但也最容易丢弃。我记得陆放翁有两句诗:“呼僮不应自升火,待饭未来还读书。”这两句诗给我的印象很深。待饭未来的时候是颇难熬的,用来读书岂不甚妙?我们的时间往往于不知不觉中被荒废掉。例如,现在距开会还有50分钟,于是什么事都不做了,磨磨蹭蹭,50分钟便打发掉了。如果用这时间读几页书,岂不较为受用。


答案 Often I hear a person say that he intends to read some books but he is short of time. However I disagree to these words. No matter how busy he is, he cannot be too occupied to spare any minutes at all. If he can get an hour to read everyday, he will have 365 hours a year and 3650 hours in ten years. Accumulating bit by bit, no matter what subject he studies, he will result in extraordinary achievements. Odd hours should be valued greatly, yet they are most likely to be wasted. I remember Lu Fangweng’s two verses: "Calling the boy servant without response I made fire myself, and engaged in some reading while waiting for the meal". Deeply these two verses impressed me. Waiting for a meal to come is very tedious, but isn’t it wonderful to do some reading while waiting! Our time is often abandoned unconsciously. If there is, for example, fifty minutes to go before a meeting is started, you are likely to dillydally over it. But how about reading a couple of lines, isn’t it a good idea?

