For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should Young People Be Obedient to Their Parents? foll

admin2015-08-09  48

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should Young People Be Obedient to Their Parents? following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 150 words.


答案 Should Young People Be Obedient to Their Parents? There is a public controversy over the issue whether youngsters should be obedient to their parents. Some people take it for granted that children should follow what their parents have arranged for them. In their opinion, parents who are generally more mature and experienced can offer their offspring wise suggestions when they encounter stumbling blocks. In addition, obedience has always been considered as a traditional virtue of the Chinese people. Moreover, it is sensible enough for children to follow the orders of their parents to show their gratitude. Nevertheless, others maintain that constant care from the parents is old-fashioned or even unfavourable to the development of the young. The young should make important decisions about their lives by themselves. Besides, as everyone is unique in the world and has one’s own personality, the youngsters should think for themselves, form their own ideas, and cultivate creativity. As far as I’m concerned, on the one hand , we can follow the recommendations offered by our parents. On the other hand, too much control from our parents will not prepare us well for our adult life. We should learn to face the world full of challenges and uncertainties by ourselves.

解析     第一段提出有人认为年轻人应该事事都遵从父母的安排,因为父母经历事情多,经验丰富,而且顺从父母安排表明孩子懂得感恩。本段第三句用who,when连接构成长的复合句,使句子富有层次感。
    第二段阐述有些人认为年轻人应该有自己的个性,培养独立思考的习惯。本段连用动词词组think for themselves,form their own ideas,cultivate creativity一气呵成。
    第三段表明自己的观点,即年轻人既要参考长辈的意见,又要锻炼自己处理事情的能力。文中年轻人使用youngster,the young,children,kids,offspring;顺从用了be obedient to,obedience,follow,用词丰富,避免了单调。
