Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert______it means standing in a queue all night.

admin2014-06-13  24

问题 Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert______it means standing in a queue all night.

选项 A、as if
B、even if


解析 even if相当于even though,在此引导让步状语从句,作“即使,即便”讲。例如:A liar is not believed even though he tells the truth.说谎者即使在说实话时也没有人相信。Those who have done a service to others feel friendship and love for those they have served evenif these are not of any use to them and never will be.为别人做了事的人会感受到对别人的友情和爱,即便这对他们毫无用处并且永远不会有什么回报也在所不惜。另外,as if(asthough)也可以用来引导状语从句,作“好像,似乎”讲,例如:It would be an excellentrule to live each day ag if we should die tomorrow.把每一天都当作生命的最后一天来过,也许这是一种极好的生活准则。provided作“只要”讲,引导条件状语从句,例如:Iconsider being ill as one of the great pleasures of life,provided one is not too ill.如果不是病得太重的话,我把生病看作是人生的极大快慰之一。whatever作“无论……”讲,可以引导名词性从句,也可以引导让步状语从句,例如:Liberty is the right to do whatever thelaw permits.自由是在法律许可的范围内任意行事的权利。Whatever you do,you need asound body first of all.无论做什么事,健康的身体是基本的条件。
