In the Gazzette that reported the death of George, Rawdon Crawley’s brave conduct was mentioned with honour, and his promotion t

admin2010-07-19  28

问题    In the Gazzette that reported the death of George, Rawdon Crawley’s brave conduct was mentioned with honour, and his promotion to the rank of colonel recorded. His aunt’s heart was not softened, nor did time have a healing influence.
   Becky and her husband went to Paris and passed the winter in great splendour and enjoyment.  Rebecca was a good manager, and the price Jos Sedley had given for her two horses was in itself enough to pay their expenses for a year. Her success was remarkable. All the French ladies thought her charming. She spoke their language admirably and she adopted their grace and gaiety of manner.  "Why," wrote a great lady to Miss Crawley, who had many friends among the French nobilities, "does not our dear miss come to her nephew and niece? All the world admires the charming Mrs. Crawley. The King took notice of her yesterday. To hear her speak of you brings tears to the eyes. How she loves you !"
   The fury of the old lady knew no limit when she realized that Rebecca had made use of her name as an introduction to society, and when, early next year, she heard that Becky had borne a son, her rage rose to its height. She sent in haste for her lawyer and made a new will leaving everything to her elder nephew Pitt.


答案 在报道乔治死亡的政府公报上,还表彰了罗登?克劳莱的英勇事迹,发表了他荣升上校的消息。他姑母的心肠还是那么硬,时间也没有起调解的作用。 蓓基和她丈夫到巴黎过了一冬,充满了欢乐,又出尽风头。丽蓓卡是个好当家人,约瑟?赛德里买那两匹马付给她的钱足够他们俩一年的开销。她取得了辉煌的成果,法国贵妇们都认为她很可爱。她讲一口极好的法语,并跟她们一样,风度优雅,举止欢快。有一位贵妇曾写信给克劳莱小姐(克劳莱小姐在法国贵族中有许多朋友)说:“我们亲爱的小姐怎么不来看看她的侄子和侄媳呢?大家都羡慕可爱的克劳莱太太。昨天国王都注意她了!我们听她谈到你的时候,眼睛里都含着泪,她多么爱你啊!” 老小姐得知丽蓓卡借她的名义作为进入上流社会的敲门砖,气得要命。第二年年初,又听说蓓基生了儿子,更是火冒三丈。她赶忙派人把律师找来,立了一张新遗嘱,把所有财产都留给她的大侄子皮特。

