An internal briefing document seen by the BBC says the effects of globalisation on advanced economies is "often uneven" and "may

admin2022-09-05  36

问题     An internal briefing document seen by the BBC says the effects of globalisation on advanced economies is "often uneven" and "may have led to rising wage inequality".
    The bank, which provides loans to developing countries, also says that "adjustment costs", such as helping people who have lost their jobs, have been higher than expected.
    Dr. Jim Kim, the head of the World Bank, told the BBC that he understood why people were angry in advanced economies despite the fact that free trade was one of the "most powerful" drivers of growth and prosperity.
    "I hear them and they are saying that my life is not better than my parents and my children’s life does not look like it’s going to be better than mine," he told me.
    "So there is a real concern but the answer is to have more robust social security programmes, so you have a safety net. And then you need to get serious about getting the skills you need for the jobs of the future."
    Dr. Kim said that 20% of jobs lost in advanced economies could be linked to trade, with the rest down to automation and the need for new skills.
    He said governments needed to do more to support those who had lost their jobs.
    Dr. Kim said that if developed countries start throwing up trade barriers, ambitious targets to eradicate poverty by 2030 could be missed because global economic growth would be slower.
    "It will be much, much harder to achieve [the poverty targets], there’s no question," Dr. Kim told me. "We can build all the infrastructure we want and we can increase trade among the emerging market countries, [but] at the end of the day if global trade does not grow at a more robust rate, it is going to be very hard to make those targets."
    I asked him directly if the target could be missed.
    "We very well could, absolutely, it’s possible," he said.
    Proposals to end extreme poverty—defined as anyone living on less than $1.25 a day—were put together by a United Nations committee chaired by David Cameron in 2013.
    Dr. Kim said that action by organisations like the World Bank, which provides loans to developing countries, as well as the growth of free trade had lifted millions of people out of poverty.
    He said that international organisations had to do more to explain the advantages of global trade for advanced as well as emerging economies.


答案 据BBC获得的一份内部简报,全球化对发达经济体的影响“往往并不平衡”,且“可能加深收入不平等程度”。 向发展中国家提供贷款的世界银行同样表示,称“调整成本”(如对失业人员的援助)已高于预期。 世界银行行长吉姆.金博士向BBC透露,自由贸易虽是社会发展和经济繁荣的“最强劲”的驱动力之一,但发达经济体中的人们还是心存怨恨,而个中缘由他也十分清楚。 他对我说:“他们告诉我说,‘与父辈相比,自己的生活也好不了多少,而孩子们的生活似乎也不会比自己好多少’。” “人们确实心有疑虑,而解决问题的方式就是设立更多强大的社会保险项目,这样你的生活就有了保障。随后,你需要认真学习未来的工作所需要的各项技能。” 金博士指出,发达经济体中有20%的失业与贸易相关,而其余的失业则归因于自动化和对新技术的要求。 金博士认为,政府需要做出更大努力为失业人员提供扶持。 金博士还表示,发达国家若现在着手消除贸易壁垒,全球经济增长就会放缓,而2030年之前消除贫困这一宏伟目标就可能无法实现。 金博士对我说:“显然,实现(消除贫困)这一目标将会更加困难。我们可以建设各种自己所需的基础设施,也可以加强与新兴市场国家之间的贸易往来,然而全球经济一旦不能保持更为强劲的增长速度,以上目标都很难实现。” 我非常直接地问他这些目标是否可能无法实现。“极有可能,确实如此。”他回答说。 2013年,由卡梅伦主持的一次联合国委员会会议提出消除极度贫穷的目标。极度贫困是指日均收入低于1.25美元的全球贫困线。 金博士表示,世界银行向发展中国家提供贷款,诸如世界银行之类的组织所采取的行动和自由贸易的发展已帮助数百万人口摆脱贫困。 金博士认为,各种国际组织必须加倍努力,想办法向发达经济体和新兴经济体阐明国际贸易的益处。

解析     本文以BBC所获得的一份内部简报为依据,指出全球化以及自由贸易对发达国家经济的负面影响。文章步步深入,引用世界银行行长对发达国家排斥自由贸易所发表的分析性言论,指出对发达经济体而言,自由贸易虽然可以助推经济繁荣,但是也与失业问题有一定的关联。随后,文章继续引用金博士的分析,指出如果全球经济发展速度受限,消除全球经济贫困的任务将难以实现。
    本篇章涉及的专业词汇较多,如internal briefing document,adjustment cost,safety net,emerging economy,这些词汇需要译者结合相关语境和商务背景知识加以确认。另外,文中还涉及对国际组织相关背景信息的考查,如World Bank等。
