
admin2014-11-27  59

问题     现如今,在中国,很多人尤其是年轻人都渴望能:去国外度假,然而国外度假可不是什么美事。首先,你不得不早早准备起来,同时焦虑感与日俱增。等一切搞定、真正出发时,路途又得耗上好几个小时。又热又渴的你,最终总算到了目的地,可身处异乡,周围全是陌生人,你又困惑又迷茫,也可能有那么一点儿好奇与兴奋,事实是,你已经筋疲力尽了。


答案 Nowadays, in China, many people, especially young people are longing for a vacation abroad. However, spending your vacation in a foreign country is not as good as you imagine. First, you have to start the preparation early and become increasingly anxious with each passing day. When everything is OK and you really set off, you may find that you have to spend hours on the way. It is hot and you are thirsty. And finally when you arrive at your destination, you are in an unfamiliar place with strangers around. You are confused and lost. You may be a little curious or excited, in fact, you are just exhausted.

解析     1.“渴望”:译为be longing for。如:
    Do you feel how much you are longing for this?意为“你们感觉到了你们有多么渴望这个吗?” 2.“焦虑感与日俱增”:译为become increasinglyamdous with each passing day。“与日俱增”:increasewith each passing day。
    3.“又热又渴的你”:译为you are hot and thirsty不太合适,因为you are hot会引起歧义,可指“你很性感”,所以为了避免歧义,可译为it is hot。
