海源阁(Haiyuan Pavilion)位于山东聊城,是中国历史上最著名的私人藏书楼之一。海源阁藏书浩瀚,总藏书量曾达22万卷,其中宋元珍本逾万卷。它与北京的文渊阁、宁波的天一阁同为中国历史上公私藏书的典范,深受海内外学者的仰慕。它初建于清朝道光二十年(

admin2014-09-30  28

问题     海源阁(Haiyuan Pavilion)位于山东聊城,是中国历史上最著名的私人藏书楼之一。海源阁藏书浩瀚,总藏书量曾达22万卷,其中宋元珍本逾万卷。它与北京的文渊阁、宁波的天一阁同为中国历史上公私藏书的典范,深受海内外学者的仰慕。它初建于清朝道光二十年(公元1840年),是杨以增的私家藏书楼,距今已有170余年的历史。现在,海源阁以其独有的魅力吸引着越来越多的中外游客。


答案 Haiyuan Pavilion Library, located in Liaocheng, Shandong Province, is one of the most famous private libraries in Chinese history. The library keeps a large collection of books amounting to 220 thousand at peak, among which over ten thousand are rare copies of the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Along with Wenyuan Pavilion in Beijing and Tianyi Pavilion in Ningbo, Haiyuan Pavilion set an example for public libraries as well as private libraries in history, deserving a high respect of scholars at home and abroad. First built as a private library of Yang Yizeng in the 20th year of Daoguang’s reign in the Qing Dynasty(A. D. 1840), the pavilion has existed for over 170 years now. Today, with its unique charm, Haiyuan Pavilion is attracting more and more Chinese and foreign visitors.

解析 1.第一句中,“位于山东聊城”可以处理成过去分词作后置定语,除了译文的译法,亦可译为situated in。
2.翻译“曾达22万卷”时,一要注意不要译错数字,二要注意时态应为过去时。不过译文将其处理为分词形式,因此时态便不再是问题。注意不要把“宋元珍本”理解为宋元珍写的书,而是宋代和元代的珍贵书籍(rare copies of the Songand Yuan Dynasties)。
3.第三句中出现了“文渊阁”和“天一阁”两个专有名词,不过前面已给出了“海源阁”的提示,因此可以类推,译为Wenyuan Pavilion和Tianyi Pavilion。“典范”可以译为动词短语set an example。
4.第四句“清朝道光二十年”译为the 20th year of Daoguang’s reign in the Qing Dynasty,“私家藏书楼”即我们现代的私家图书馆,译为private library。第四句的翻译看起来有点难,但是一定要静下心来慢慢体会,不要轻易放弃。
