And speaking of freedom, is not the author free, as few men are free? Is he not secure, as few men are secure? The tools of his

admin2013-10-08  20

问题     And speaking of freedom, is not the author free, as few men are free? Is he not secure, as few men are secure? The tools of his industry are so common and so cheap that they have almost ceased to have commercial value. He needs no bulky pile of raw material, no elaborate apparatus, no service of men or animals. He is dependent for his occupation upon no one but himself, and nothing outside him that his occupation upon no one but himself, and nothing outside him that maters. He is the sovereign of an empire, self supporting, self-contained...No one can deprive him of his stock in trade; no one can force him to exercise his faculty against his will; no one can prevent him exercising it as he chooses. The pen is the great liberator of men and nations. No chains can bind, no poverty can choke, no tariff can restrict the free play of his mind.
(From The Joys of Writing by Winston Churchill)


答案 说到自由,难道因为自由的人很少,所以作家也就不自由吗?难道因为无忧无虑的人很少,所以作家也得忧心忡忡吗?作家的劳动工具是那么的常见而且廉价,导致作家几乎停止了创造商业价值。他也无需大堆原料,无需精细的仪器设备,也不需要其他人或动物提供服务。他的职业只取决于他自己一个人而不是其他任何人,而且他身外的一切对他来说都无关紧要。他是一个帝国的君王,独立自主,自给自足……没人能夺走他谋生的手段;谁也不能强迫他违心地运用其能力;当他愿意发挥才能时,也没人能阻止他。笔杆子很了不起,能够解放人类和国家。链条束缚不了,贫困扼杀不了,关税也限制不了作家的聪明才智自由发挥……

