How Do You Prepare for Presentations? Getting ready for presentation is necessary and there are tips to guide you through the pr

admin2017-04-25  37

问题 How Do You Prepare for Presentations?
Getting ready for presentation is necessary and there are tips to guide you through the preparation for presentation.
I. Key talking points
— Know what you want to talk about
— Stick with a(n)【T1】_____【T1】______
a)Tell them what you’re going to show them
c)Tell them what you just showed them II. Write a(n) 【T3】______【T3】______
— You can massage the words
— Gives you a(n)【T4】_____ for practice and refining【T4】______
III. Don’t worry about specific words
— Don’t worry about perfection
— Don’t【T5】_____ if you stumble a bit【T5】______
IV. Find your【T6】______【T6】______
— If you have time, learn to speak in any style
— If you don’t have time, just find【T7】_____ style【T7】______
V. Practice in front of people
— Be careful about taking advice, especially late in the game
— Changes in script or presentation style within a short time
might be【T8】_____【T8】______
VI. Practice with distractions
— Need the quiet time to memorize things
— Practice with distractions is also helpful
— Possible distractions:
    People walking by
    A huge clock counting down
    Big lights
VII. Practice【T10】_____【T10】______
— Focus on one section
— Learn the【T11】_____ by heart【T11】______
— Move on until you are comfortable with this section
VIII. Think ahead
— Think of【T12】_____ sentences ahead while speaking【T12】______
IX. Practice hand gestures
— Hand gestures and【T13】_____ are cues of your speech【T13】______
X. Find your comfort zone
— If a piece of advice makes you uncomfortable,
it is not【T14】_____ to you【T14】______
— The more comfortable you are, the more【T15】_____ you’ll be【T15】______
and you’ll give better presentation
How Do You Prepare for Presentations?
Good morning, everyone! Today I’d like to continue our series of talks about study skills in university. This morning I’m going to talk about how to prepare for presentations. Honestly, there’s no straightforward answer. And there’s lots of great advice on public speaking and presenting out there. Some people recommend memorizing a script and practicing it intensely for as long as you possibly can. Other people suggest having key talking points and riffing on those. I’m not sure anyone would suggest going totally unprepared, because that would be tantamount to presentation-suicide, but from heavy-duty preparation to minimal preparation, you’ll get it all, and everything in-between. Here’s my suggestion: Do what you need to in order to feel confident and comfortable giving the presentation. If you’re not sure what to do in order to feel confident and comfortable, then I’d lean towards being more prepared than not. Here are some tips for things you can do.
1. Start with your key talking points. There’s no point writing a full script or presentation until you know what points you want to hammer home.[1]Then, you can stick with a standard format: tell them what you’re going to show them;[2]show them; and tell them what you just showed them. They are the three golden rules in oral presentation and public speaking.
2.[3]Write a script. I think this is a good idea It lets you write everything out and start massaging the words the way you want.[4]It also gives you a benchmark against which you can practice and refine things.
3. Don’t get hung up on specific words. It’s unlikely that missing or changing any one word will totally ruin your presentation, so don’t worry about perfection. The only person that knows you "screwed up" is you.[5]That’s why you don’t have to panic if you stumble a bit at the outset. Ease yourself into the talking mood and everything will be just fine.
4.[6]Find your speaking style.[7]Over time with enough practice you can learn to speak and present in any style, but if you’re in crunch mode and don’t have enough time, just try and find your own speaking style. Find your groove. Some people are ultra-enthusiastic. Some are much calmer. For DEMO, I’m aiming for calm confidence. I’m not a flashy guy. I want people to see the practice I’m putting in, my enthusiasm and my confidence—but I’m not going "Tony Robbins" on them.
5. Practice in front of people. I haven’t done this yet, but I’ll be doing it soon. If you haven’t given a lot of presentations this will feel awkward but it’s better to get over those feelings now rather than when you’re on stage. So practice in front of others. But be careful about taking their advice, especially if the presentation is fast approaching.[8]The risk is that you try to incorporate changes you’re not really comfortable with, whether it’s in the actual script or in your presentation style, and you end up causing more damage than good. Given the opportunity you should seek expert help with your presentation, but be careful about how you take any advice, especially late in the game.
6. Practice with distractions. It’s great to sit in a bubble with no distractions whatsoever and practice. You need the quiet time to memorize things and get a feel for what you’re doing. But I’m also practicing while distracted—be it by other sounds or visually, people walking by my office door, for example, because it makes me feel more confident that I can pull it off. On the DEMO stage there will be distractions. One person told me there’s a huge clock facing you counting the seconds menacingly.[9]There are big lights, TV screens and oh ya the people. I have to be prepared for anything, and practicing with distractions is helpful.
7.[10]Practice piece by piece. I’ve found it quite helpful to practice each section of my presentation in pieces.[11]I’ll focus on one part, memorize the core elements, run through it till I’m comfortable and then move to the next piece. Then it’s just a matter of stringing the pieces together, which is easier.
8. Think ahead. While practicing my DEMO presentation[12]I’ve found my comfort zone when I can think of the next 1 or 2 sentences while speaking. So I’m on sentence 5 but my mind is already bringing up sentence 6 and 7. I don’t have to think too far ahead but just enough that the transition from sentence-to-sentence is ultra-smooth and simple. Each sentence triggers a reminder for the next one.
9. Practice hand gestures. If you’re giving a "naked" presentation, with nothing in front of you like a table, etc., then you need to be aware of what you’re doing with your hands. And your feet. So think about your hand gestures and how they relate to what you’re saying. If you plan to move around, pace in sync with your words. I’ve been practicing this for a few days with great success.[13]The hand gestures and where I’m walking are triggers cuing what I should be saying.
10. Find your comfort zone.[14]All the advice in the world won’t help if you can’t get comfortable with your preparation, practice techniques and ultimately, the presentation itself. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable.[15]The more comfortable you feel, the more confident you feel, and the better things will go.
OK In today’s lecture, we’ve discussed ten tips that can help you in preparing for an effective and impressive presentation. In our next lecture, we’ll explore how to get prepared for a scheduled session discussion.



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