Pete Sampras started playing tennis young and makes no plans to stop anytime soon. The man who has a calm demeanor, boyish shyne

admin2013-05-19  31

问题     Pete Sampras started playing tennis young and makes no plans to stop anytime soon. The man who has a calm demeanor, boyish shyness and the looks of a star proves again and again what so many players, critics and fans can’t deny: he can win, and always does. In 1990, when Sampras was only 19 years old and seeded twelfth in the U. S. Open, he slammed his way into the finals and became the youngest man to win the tournament. And we all knew after that first Grand Slam victory there would be no looking back. Over the years, the quiet giant has gone on to win eleven more Grand Slams: 6 Wimbledons, three more U. S. Opens, and two Australian Opens. Sampras’s most beloved titles have come on the grasses of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club. In 1993, he won his first Wimbledon title, and since that year, has gotten to and won in every final, except for a quarterfinal defeat by in 1996. He is the winningest man at Wimbledon in the Open Era and is one championship away from tying the all time record of seven titles that was set in the late 1800s. The historic grounds of Wimbledon and the intimate Center Court has become a home to Sampras, a "cathedral" as he once said. His undeniably flawless grass-court tennis game has made him the best tennis player of his time, and he will undoubtedly go down in the history books as the greatest.


答案 皮特.桑普拉斯年纪轻轻就开始打网球,也没打算在什么时候停止。这个举止沉着、有着孩子般羞涩和一幅明星面容的男人一次又一次证明了那么多球员、评论家和球迷无法否认的事实:他能够获胜,并且总是获胜。1990年,在桑普拉斯仅有19岁的时候,他就在美国公开赛被定为第12名种子选手,他一路高奏凯歌闯入决赛,并且成为赢得这项锦标赛冠军中最年轻的一位。于是我们都知道在那次大满贯胜利之后,一切将一发而不可收拾。 几年里,这个文静的天才一路胜利又赢得了11个大满贯:6个温布尔登网球赛冠军、3次美国公开赛冠军以及两项澳大利亚公开赛冠军。桑普拉斯最心爱的头衔来自于全英草地网球和槌球俱乐部的草地网球。1993年,他赢得了第一个温布尔登网球赛冠军头衔,并且自从那一年起,除了1996年在四分之一决赛被击败以外,他每一年都进入决赛并夺得冠军。他是温布尔登网球赛在公开赛时代胜率最高的人,并且自19世纪后期以来创下赢得7项冠军记录的唯他一人。温布尔登那有着历史意义的网球场和那块熟悉的中央场地已经变成了桑普拉斯的家园,或者如他曾经说过的“大教堂”。他那无可否认的完美的草地网球赛的表现使他成为了当代最好的网球选手。毫无疑问,他将作为最伟大的网球选手,永垂青史。

解析     本篇节选自Pete Sampras:Prince of Tennis(《网球王子皮特.桑普拉斯》),作者Sally Turkovich。文章描绘了到目前为止皮特.桑普拉斯的网球生涯,又通过他的行为或行动来展示他的性格、他的温文尔雅和他的含蓄有度。
a calm demeanor:行为镇定自若;举止沉着。
boyish shyness:桑普拉斯如雷贯耳,无需指出“像男孩般的”,否则,实属画蛇添足。故而处理为“像孩子般羞涩”。
seeded twelfth in the U.S.Open:seed means to arrange(the drawing for positions in a toumament)so that the more skilled contestants meet in the later rounds,“seeded twelfth”意为“成为排名第12的种子选手”。  “the U.S.Open”指“美国公开赛”。
he slammed his way into the finals:译为“他一路高奏凯歌闯入决赛”,或“他一路过关斩将进入决赛”。
Grand Slam victory:译为“大满贯胜利”。“Slam”指“满贯,全盛”。
the All England Lawn Tennis:译为“全英草地网球”。
Croquet Club:译为“槌球俱乐部”。
the winningest mail:将动词“win”转换为“-ing”分词,相当于形容词形式,然后变成最高级。故译为“胜率最高的人”。
the Open Era:译为“公开赛时代”。
