锦江在秦汉时代称为成都二江,包括郫江 (内江) 和检江 (外江) 。自汉以后,二江开始有了一个诗意化的通称:锦江。据史料记载,蜀地的织女们爱用二江的水洗濯织锦 (brocade) ,洗后的锦缎纹理鲜明,颜色更加艳丽,因而此二江得名“锦江”。锦江的得名还与都

admin2022-05-23  43

问题     锦江在秦汉时代称为成都二江,包括郫江 (内江) 和检江 (外江) 。自汉以后,二江开始有了一个诗意化的通称:锦江。据史料记载,蜀地的织女们爱用二江的水洗濯织锦 (brocade) ,洗后的锦缎纹理鲜明,颜色更加艳丽,因而此二江得名“锦江”。锦江的得名还与都江堰有关。在古蜀时代,岷江进入成都平原后的水流是散漫混浊的,平原一片沼泽,难以农耕。由于有了都江堰,用二江引渠作灌溉,浊流变为清江,水害变为水利,这才有濯锦江波的条件,才有锦江的得名。都江堰使成都平原成为沃野千里、水旱从人的天府,锦江使成都成为繁荣富庶的名都。都江堰与锦江都是成都城市文明的摇篮。


答案 In Qin and Han Dynasty, Jinjiang River was called Chengdu River, which included Pijiang River (inner river) and Jianjiang River (outer river). Since Han Dynasty, the two rivers have got a poetic name: Jinjiang. According to historical records, women weavers in Sichuan preferred to wash brocade in these two rivers as the brocade would be bright in texture and color after being washed in these rivers, from which Jinjiang got its name. Also the name of Jinjiang is related to Dujiangyan Irrigation System. In ancient Shu, the water flow of Minjiang River in the drainage basin of Chengdu Plain was desultory and muddy that the plain became a swamp, which was not suitable for farming. However, thanks to Dujiangyan Irrigation System, two rivers were used for irrigation, turbidity current turned into limpid river, water disaster disappeared and the river began to benefit the surroundings. With these favorable conditions, Jinjiang then could gain the opportunity to win itself a name. Dujiangyan has made Chengdu Plain a vast land of abundance, and Jinjiang has made Chengdu a famous capital of prosperity and richness. Both Dujiangyan and Jinjiang are the cradles of Chengdu as a civilization city. Jinjiang River gives Chengdu green and beautiful natural environment and the born beauty of Chengdu will not exist without the superior natural conditions of Jinjiang River featuring clean water, clear sky, warm climate and wonderful scenery.

