Modern biology is based on several unifying themes, such as the cell theory, genetics and inheritance, Francis Crick’s central d

admin2013-12-14  20

问题     Modern biology is based on several unifying themes, such as the cell theory, genetics and inheritance, Francis Crick’s central dogma of information flow, and Darwin and Wallace’s theory of evolution by natural selection. In this first unit we will examine these themes and the nature of science.
    The ancient Greek philosopher Anaxiamander(611- 547 B.C.)and the Roman philosopher Lucretius(99- 55 B.C.)coined the concept that all living things were related and that they had changed over time. The classical science of their time was observational rather than experimental. Another ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, developed his Scala Naturae, or Ladder of Life, to explain his concept of the advancement of living things from inanimate matter to plants, then animals and finally man. This concept of man as the "crown of creation" still plagues modern evolutionary biologists.
    Post-Aristotlean "scientists" were constrained by the prevailing thought patterns of the Middle Ages—the inerrancy of the biblical book of Genesis and the special creation of the world in a literal six days of the 24-hour variety. Archbishop James Ussher of Ireland, in the late 1600’s calculated the age of the earth based on the geneologies from Adam and Eve listed in the biblical book of Genesis. According to Ussher’s calculations, the earth was formed on October 22, 4004 B.C. These calculations were part of Ussher’s book, History of the World. The chronology he developed was taken as factual, and was even printed in the front pages of Bibles. Ussher’s ideas were readily accepted, in part because they posed no threat to the social order of the times; comfortable ideas that would not upset the linked apple carts of church and state.
    Often new ideas must "come out of left field", appearing as wild notions, but in many cases prompting investigation which may later reveal the "truth". Ussher’s ideas were comfortable, the Bible was viewed as correct, therefore the earth must be only 5,000 years old.
    Geologists had for some time doubted the "truth" of a 5,000 year old earth. Leonardo da Vinci(painter of the Last Supper, and the Mona Lisa, architect and engineer)calculated the sedimentation rates in the Po River of Italy. Da Vinci concluded it took 200,000 years to form some nearby rock deposits. Galileo, convicted heretic for his contention that the Earth was not the center of the Universe, studied fossils(evidence of past life)and concluded that they were real and not inanimate artifacts. James Hutton, regarded as the Father of modern geology, developed the Theory of Uniformitarianism, the basis of modern geology and paleontology. According to Hutton’s work, certain geological processes operated in the past in much the same fashion as they do today, with minor exceptions of rates, etc. Thus many geological structures and processes cannot be explained if the earth was only a mere 5,000 years old.
It is implied in the passage that the biblical book of Genesis______.

选项 A、was the basis of modern geology and paleontology
B、operated today in much the same way as it did in the past
C、greatly influenced scientists during the post-Aristotlean times
D、was based on the genealogies from Adam and Eve


解析 根据第三段,后亚里士多德时代的科学家一般都拘泥于中世纪盛行的思想模式,即圣经创世纪无错误学说和上帝花了六天创造世界学说;当时的代表人物James Ussher大主教根据圣经创世纪学说所做的有关地球年龄的计算,都说明《圣经》、《创世纪》对那个时代的科学家的影响。
