圆明园(Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden)举世闻名,它既展现出传奇般的魅力,又诉说着中国的近代史。圆明园占地面积约350公顷,规模宏大,景致迷人。青山叠映,建筑精美,树木花卉郁郁葱葱,一片风光如画。只可惜这座“万园之园”未能逃脱西方

admin2015-11-30  19

问题     圆明园(Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden)举世闻名,它既展现出传奇般的魅力,又诉说着中国的近代史。圆明园占地面积约350公顷,规模宏大,景致迷人。青山叠映,建筑精美,树木花卉郁郁葱葱,一片风光如画。只可惜这座“万园之园”未能逃脱西方列强的野蛮摧毁,建造者巧夺天工的技艺和园内无数的文化珍宝都惨遭焚毁掠夺。昔日的美景和辉煌一去不复返,一代名园最终沦为一片废墟。


答案 Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden is renowned throughout the world for its fabled charms and association with modern Chinese history. Covering an area of about 350 hectares, Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden was grand in scale and enchanting in scenery. Its green hills and exquisite buildings were laid out with picturesque appeal, and decorated with thriving trees and beautiful flowers. Alas, the skill and sophistication of the builders of this historic "Garden of Gardens", and the cultural treasures contained within it, failed to escape the destruction inflicted on China by the western powers. The former beauty and glory no more exist and the entire garden lay in clusters of ruins and debris.

解析 1.在翻译第一句时用be renowned for这个词组把三个分句合译为一个整句。“传奇般的魅力”可以译为fabled charms。“又诉说着”意译为association with。
2.翻译第二句时需注意主语的选择,这里需要将短语“规模宏大,景致迷人”转换为“宏大的规模,迷人的景致”,这样,句子的结构才层次分明。译文把“占地面积约350公顷”处理为状语Covering an area of about 350 hectares。“规模宏大,景致迷人”译为grand in scale andenchanting in scenery,句式对仗工整。
4.第四句中有一定的信息重叠,翻译这句时,可以将“万园之园”和“……的技艺和……的文化珍宝”的谓语合译为failed to escape the destruction。
