
admin2021-01-19  46

问题     越来越多的有识之士认为,人类文明正处于深刻转型之中,正走向一个新时代。有人认为新时代将是信息文明新时代,有人认为新时代将是生态文明新时代。相应地产生了两种新哲学——信息哲学和生态哲学。二者都批判笛卡尔的心物二元论和康德的人与非人事物之截然二分。但信息哲学有强烈的计算主义和还原论倾向,因而走向了一元论,并有支持完全可知论的可能。而生态哲学以量子物理学和蕴含生态学的复杂性科学为依据,提出了生机论世界观、谦逊理性主义知识论和超越物质主义的价值观。生态哲学将为生态文明新时代凝练时代精神的精华。大自然是生生不息,包孕万物,是一门变化的语言,而人类语言(包括数学语言)一旦说出或者写出就会“凝固”。农业文明的发展是绿色发展,农业文明的绿色发展是低技术的绿色发展。工业文明的发展是“黑色发展”,走向生态文明是重走绿色发展之路。但生态文明的绿色发展是选择继承了工业文明之高科技的绿色发展。它既不是单一的物质财富增长,不是单一的经济增长,也不是单一的科技进步,而是包含技术进步、政治进步、文化繁荣、精神提升的综合发展。


答案 More and more people of insight believe that human civilization is undergoing a profound transformation and is heading for a new era. Some people think that it will be a new era of information civilization, while others think that it will be a new era of ecological civilization. Accordingly, two new philosophies, namely, information philosophy and ecological philosophy, came into being. They both criticize Descartes’ mind-matter dualism and Kant’s dichotomy between human beings and other beings. However, information philosophy has a strong tendency of computerization and reductionism, which leads to monism and there is the possibility of supporting fully knowability. While based on quantum physics and the complex science of ecology, ecological philosophy puts forward the outlook of vitalism, humble rationalism, epistemology and values beyond materialism. Ecological philosophy will be the essence of the spirit for the new era of ecological civilization. Nature is a living, all-encompassing, changing language, while human language (including mathematical language) solidifies once spoken or written. The development of agricultural civilization is green development, and the green development of agricultural civilization is the green development of low technology. The development of industrial civilization is "black development", and ecological civilization is the retrace of green development. However, the green development of ecological civilization is the green development that inherits the high-tech industrial civilization. It is neither a single growth of material wealth, nor a single economic growth, nor a single progress of science and technology, but a comprehensive development that includes technological growth, political progress, cultural prosperity and spiritual improvement.

