Make Your Trade Show a Success How to make your next trade show a success? Here are some useful suggestions: At the show

admin2018-08-12  36

问题     Make Your Trade Show a Success
    How to make your next trade show a success? Here are some useful suggestions:
    At the show
    Do be sure to greet everyone passing by, but if they talk to you, qualify them. Ask if they are in the market for your product or service. Ask if they have a problem (that you have a solution for, of course). Ask if they are using any of your competitors’ products. Ask if the prospect (a likely or potential customer) is a decision-maker or influencer. Ask these questions, but then listen. Give them a chance to talk. Determine the likelihood of their company ever buying from you.
    If they are not a qualified prospect, thank them, and move on. If they are, continue your discussion. Get their contact information, and get some kind of personal information as well and make a note of it (this will help with your follow-up later). If you think you can get a sale, by all means go for it. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can accomplish today.
    After the show
    You’re back from your show, you’re tired, and you have a pile of mail and a folder full of emails to go through. You’ve got two meetings to go to, and your boss wants to go over a new project with you. You’ve just worked a Saturday. Your buddies are over at the coffee maker talking about the game. You’ve got too much to do. You gave all your prospects your business card and brochure, so they’ll call you when they’re ready to order. You’ve done your job.
    Stop. Assume that your business card and brochure are in a plastic bag with 50 other companies on the floor in your prospect’s office. He’s in the same boat as you. He’ll get to the plastic bag when he gets time, which turns out to be never, and three months later the entire contents go into the office recycling bin.
    Making a phone call to all prospects
    I found that I could double or triple my new customers from a trade show by doing one thing: follow-up. Call all of your prospects within three days of getting back to work. Hopefully you wrote a personal note on the back of each prospect’s business card so that you can mention it and show that you remember him. Don’t stop with one call. Call back in two weeks, and then in a month. You aren’t cold-calling because you already know your prospect. Follow-up is more work, but with all the work you already invested in preparing for and going to the show, it’s a waste to not finish the job.


答案 成功举办交易会 怎样才能成功举办今后的交易会呢?以下建议想必有用! 在交易会上 务必问候每位经过你的人。如果他们和你攀谈,就要对他们作出评估。询问他们是否喜欢你的产品或服务。问问他们是否有困难(当然,对此你有解决办法)。问问他们是否在使用你竞争对手的产品。还要问你的潜在客户是否是位高权重,是否是位有影响力的人物。问了这些问题,还要听听他们说些什么。给他们说话的机会。判断他们公司购买你产品的可能性。 如果他们不是符合条件的客户,向他们道谢,然后继续寻找。如果符合条件,那就继续交谈。留下他们的联系方式,获取其个人信息,加以备注(以备今后跟踪联络)。倘若你认为你能完成一笔交易,那就要全力以赴。今日事要今日毕。 交易会后 从交易会回来,你很累,但还是要处理大量的信件和邮件。你还要参加两个会议,你的上司要和你讨论新项目。周六你刚刚加过班。而你的朋友们在边喝咖啡边讨论体育赛事。你有很多事要做。你已经把名片和公司简册发给了你的潜在客户,他们会在有需要订货时打电话给你。你已经完成了你的任务。 先别忙。假设你的名片和公司简册与其它五十家公司的资料一起装在塑料袋里,放在潜在客户的办公室地板上。你的客户和你一样忙碌。如果他有时间,他会去翻一下那个塑料袋子。但他永远都不会有那个时间,所以三个月后整袋的东西被扔进了废物箱!给潜在客户打电话我发现从交易会回来之后如果做一件事,就会使自己的新客户增加两到三倍,那就是随访。回公司上班后三天内给所有潜在客户打电话。但愿你真的在每位潜在客户的名片背面写下了对其的个人描述,这样你就能和客户提及你对他的印象,表明你还记得他。不要只打一次电话。两周后再打一次,然后一个月后再打一次。你已经认识了你的潜在客户,所以你这样做不是在客户不知情的情况下作电话销售。随访是加重了工作负担,但既然已经为参加交易会大费周章了,不把工作彻底完成就白费了之前所有的努力。

