If you were a woman reading this magazine 40 years ago, the odds were good that your husband provided the money to buy it. That

admin2018-08-10  43

问题     If you were a woman reading this magazine 40 years ago, the odds were good that your husband provided the money to buy it. That your son was heading to college but not your daughter. That your boss, if you had a job, could explain that he was paying you less because, after all, you were probably working just for pocket money.
    It’s funny how things change slowly, until the day we realize they’ve changed completely. It’s expected that by the end of the year, for the first time in history the majority of workers in the U.S. will be women—largely because the downturn has hit men so hard. This is an extraordinary change in a single generation, and it is gathering speed. More and more women are the primary breadwinner in their household or are providing essential income for the family’s bottom line. Their buying power has never been greater.


答案 时光倒流到40年前,假如你正好是一位女性,正在阅读这本杂志,那极有可能这本杂志是你丈夫出钱给你买的。你的儿子可能有上大学的机会,女儿却没有。假如你有一份工作,很可能你的工资会比别人低一些,而老板会跟你解释说:毕竟,你可能只是出来赚点零花钱而已。 说起来有意思,很多事情的变化那么不起眼,直到有一天我们发现它们已经彻底变了。预计到今年年底,女性将占美国劳动人口的绝大多数,这是有史以来第一次——主要原因是经济低迷沉重打击了男性。这是仅在短短一代人身上发生的巨大变化,而这种变化的速度还在加快。越来越多的女性肩负起养家糊口的重担,或者她们的收入逐渐成为承担家庭最基本开销的重要部分。她们的购买力也空前强大。

解析     1.第一段从表面上看是由三个句子组成,但通过上述难句分析,我们知道该段第二、第三句与第一句末尾的that从句为并列的同位语从句,都是对odds的具体说明。在翻译时,要注意跟前面的the odds were good that...所表达的语义“那极有可能……”保持连贯——第二句译为“你的儿子可能……”,第三句译为“……很可能你……”。
    2.第一段第三句中的条件状语从句if you had a job以插入语的方式插在主句主语your boss和谓语部分could explain...之间,翻译时要注意根据汉语的表达习惯来处理,将该状语提至句首。而主句的宾语是由that引导的从句充当,该宾语从句包含的信息量大,翻译时尤其要注意处理好上下文的语义逻辑关系,不宜按英文语序逐字照译。he was paying you less是先发生的情况.然后才会有your boss...explain,而explain的核心内容是because...just for pocket money,理清这几个信息之间的关系后,不难写出顺畅的译文。
    3.第二段首句是一个复合句,主句为“主+系+表”结构,It为形式主语,后面的how things change...completely才是真正主语,具体说明是什么事情funny,可将It’s funny...译为“说起来有意思”、“有意思的是”这类句式。在英文里,如果句子主语太长,就会用形式主语(通常是It),后接名词从句(通常由that引导)来说明主语的具体内容,以避免句子头重脚轻,中文里也有类似的表达习惯,故翻译时可将“说起来有意思”至于句首。
