If we want to avoid the disaster scenario, people in developed countries will have to take a global perspective and accept respo

admin2009-08-13  29

问题     If we want to avoid the disaster scenario, people in developed countries will have to take a global perspective and accept responsibility for the damage export crops such as timber, coffee, cut flowers or even green beans, do to the environment. The challenge is to avoid simply imposing western attitudes on local peoples.
    Already there are no truly wild places left in the world. Looking at wildlife ha s become the preserve of the middle classes over the last twenty-odd years, and as wild animals become even rarer, so more tourists want to see them. But tourism alone plainly cannot conserve the world’s animals; economic development is the priority.
    For the future, I suspect that if you really want to do something about wild life conservation, you would be better off putting your money into women’s education rather than just into the protection of flagship species. Women often bear the direct costs of wildlife conflict; their knowledge of how to deal with conflict and how to control their own reproductive destinies may yet determine the survival of many threatened species.


答案 要想避免灾难局面的发生,发达国家的人必须从全球角度看问题,并为木材、咖啡、鲜花甚至菜豆之类出口作物对环境造成的危害承担责任。需要谨慎的是,应避免简单地把西方的立场强加于当地人民。 目前世界上已经没有真正的荒野了。在过去的20多年里,观赏野生动物已成为中产阶级的专有权,随着野生动物变得更加稀少,想看野生动物的游客会更多。但是单靠旅游业显然不可能保护世界上的动物;经济发展才是首要任务。 我认为,为了未来,人们要是真想在野生动物保护方面做一些事,最好还是把钱投在妇女教育上,而不仅仅用于保护那些带象征意义的重要物种。妇女常常承受着与野生动物发生冲突的直接代价;她们是否知道如何应对冲突,能否掌握自己的生育命运,有可能决定着许多濒危物种的生存。

