Should We Embrace Cyberspeak? 1.越来越多的网络用语渗透到日常口语和书面语中 2.有人认为这是语言发展的结果,也有人认为这是对语言的污染 3.我的看法

admin2013-09-19  28

问题 Should We Embrace Cyberspeak?


答案 Should We Embrace Cyberspeak? Today, with the gradual popularization of computer technology and the Internet, cyberspeaks emerge in an endless stream. They are not only prevalent among netizens, but also permeate into almost every field of our life. Friends might ask "Wuz up?" or "Wer r u nw?" One would finish his conversations with "cul8r" or " txt 2m". Can you understand and accept these new expressions? When these new words spring up, some of them go beyond the language standard unavoidably , and therefore lead to many confusions and misunderstandings, especially among senior generations. Some people worry that these cyberspeaks are ruining our language. Others, on the other hand, think the newly created expression is the progress of the technology and the language as well. Since we live in an age of information explosion, we obviously.need to create new words and expressions to describe the new inventions and convey fresh ideas. The development of any language tells us that the language itself can discard the dross and absorb the essence. The emergence and popularity of cyberspeak shows the vitality of our language and society. So let’s take this honor to witness and embrace the appearance of them.

