慈禧对外国人万分惧怕,正像她对国人无比傲慢一样。她在河南停留了很长一段时间,到了保定又逗留(halt)多日,好不容易才回到北京。据说,在这漫长的旅途中还发生了一件趣事。一位地方官员送给慈禧一只猴子,她颇为高兴,竟让人给那只猴子穿黄马褂(yellow man

admin2016-09-07  31

问题     慈禧对外国人万分惧怕,正像她对国人无比傲慢一样。她在河南停留了很长一段时间,到了保定又逗留(halt)多日,好不容易才回到北京。据说,在这漫长的旅途中还发生了一件趣事。一位地方官员送给慈禧一只猴子,她颇为高兴,竟让人给那只猴子穿黄马褂(yellow mandarin jacket)。后来得知有的官员发出了“人不如猴”的感慨,慈禧才发现自己的决定有些荒唐(whimsical),于是又命令给随行官员(escorting officials)每人一件黄马褂。得到这殊荣之后,大家真不知道该感谢慈禧还是感谢那只猴子。


答案 Cixi was utterly fearful of foreigners just as she was extremely arrogant toward her own countrymen. She stopped for a long time in Henan and halted in Baoding for quite a few days before finally arriving in Beijing. It was said that an amusing episode took place during this long journey. When a local official offered a monkey to her as a gift, she was so pleased that she ordered a yellow mandarin jacket to the monkey. Later, she was told that some officials were complaining that human beings were considered less worthy than a monkey, then she realized that her order had been indeed a little too whimsical. So she gave another order granting each of the escorting officials a yellow mandarin jacket. Upon the receipt of such an unusual favor, the officials did not know whether they should thank Cixi or the monkey for it.

