University letters to students and alumni are usually cheerful. But the University of California at Los Angeles(UCLA)is now comp

admin2015-03-25  27

问题     University letters to students and alumni are usually cheerful. But the University of California at Los Angeles(UCLA)is now composing 800,000 embarrassing ones. The university announced Tuesday that it’s notifying nearly a million members of its community—including students, faculty and alumni—that a hacker gained access to their Social Security numbers, dates of birth, home addresses and contact information.【F1】UCLA computer security technicians noticed a suspicious number of database queries on Nov. 21, and after a quick investigation , discovered that a hacker had accessed records dishonestly all the way back to October of 2005. The university blocked further access to the private data and hired a consultant to help figure out how it happened.【F2】In a letter to those who may have been victimized, UCLA’s Acting Chancellor Norman Abrams noted that the data does not include credit card or banking information, but apologized. " I deeply regret any concern or inconvenience this incident may cause you," Abrams wrote.
    Jim Davis, UCLA’s Chief Information Officer, who is responsible for the university’s computer security policy, says UCLA had already begun removing Social Security numbers from common usage, but that some numbers remain in the university database because of financial reporting requirements. "With 20/20 hindsight, the best way to deal with this kind of situation is not to have Social Security numbers there in the first place," Davis says. "The faster we move on that, the better off we will be. "【F3】He says that while those at the university are "scared" there is no indication thus far that identity thieves have used any stolen data, and that while the investigation is still in process, the actual number of those affected by the hacking may be just 5% or less of the 800,000 whose data was potentially vulnerable.
    【F4】The FBI has launched its own investigation of the incident, but tracking down those responsible will be a challenge. In 2005, 8.9 million Americans suffered from some type of identity theft, according to a study done by Javelin Strategy & Research for the Better Business Bureau, and few of those cases are likely to be prosecuted. Many hackers work from remote locations overseas and assiduously cover their digital tracks, and Davis says that signs thus far suggest it was not perpetrated by someone on campus.【F5】The fact that UCLA didn’t discover the hack until more than a year after it began demonstrates how carefully the digital intruder conducted the attack. "Universities are particularly leaky boats," says Givens. "Their systems are highly decentralized and easily accessible by students, staff, even alumni and contractors. " That makes it harder to ensure tight security. "Out of hundreds of applications, they found a small vulnerability and found a way to exploit it," Davis says. "Now the question is how the university stands up and responds."



解析 本句的翻译涉及减词和增词技巧。主干成分是由but连接的两个并列分句,前一分句中的own翻译时可省略;而后一分句中those responsible事实上是those hackers who areresponsible for this accident的省略,翻译时必须把省略的部分增译出来意思才完整。
