Time was, old people knew their place. Scepters were passed to sons and daughters, crowns placed on younger heads. Not anymore.

admin2022-04-20  51

问题     Time was, old people knew their place. Scepters were passed to sons and daughters, crowns placed on younger heads. Not anymore. The elderly are no longer a sidelined sliver of society, but its mainstream. During the next two generations, the number of the world’s people older than 60 will quadruple, rising from 606 million now to 2 billion in 2050. For the first time in human history, the elderly will outnumber children, "The graying of the globe is quite simply the most significant population shift in-history," says Ann Pawliczko of the United Nations Population Fund.
    And growing old doesn’t mean what it used to. Better medical care has increased the average global life expectancy by two decades—to 66. "One hundred is the new 60," cracks Marty Davis, of the American Association of Retired People. In the West, technology and wealth are empowering the aged They are an increasingly vocal political lobby and muscular consumers. The portfolio of Senioragency, Europe’s only ad agency aimed at the 50-plus market, used to consist of hearing aids and insurance. Now mainstream companies like Coca-Cola and Siemens are approaching the firm. "We’re used to thinking of a 60-year-old person who looks like ’Whistler’s Mother but we should be thinking about someone who looks like Tina Turner ," says Gloria Gutman, president of the International Association of Gerontology.
    The rapidly shifting demographics are forcing a radical rethinking of many facets of our lives. Two billion elderly will need new systems of care and support. The growing number of old people who want to live independently will need housing, streets and cityscapes that will accommodate their slower pace. Smart technology will have to plug nursing shortages; architects and social planners will have to start catering for populations with dementia and failing eyesight or hearing.
    In contrast to the youth-driven culture of the last half century, the elderly will set the agenda for how the late-21st century lives. Already societies have begun facing the pension crisis, the scariest specter haunting Western treasuries. For one thing, 80 percent of the world already can’t afford to retire. Even in Western Europe and the United States, say experts, the very concept of retirement may soon be viewed as a historical aberrational social curiosity from the era between World War II and the war on terror. And paying for the elderly is just a fraction of the massive upheaval underway. What’s been dubbed "the silent revolution" is changing everything from politics to tax structures to the width of the world’s doorways (for wheelchairs).
In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by________.

选项 A、giving an example
B、showing a trend
C、justifying an assurnption
D、explaining a phenomenon


解析 本题是细节题。根据题干关键词In the opening paragraph定位至首段第四句。该句提到,The elderly are no longer a sidelined sliver of society,but its mainstream(老年人不再是社会的边缘,而成了社会的主流),第五句提到,During the next two generations,the number of the world’s people older than 60 will quadruple,rising from 606 million now to 2 billion in 2050(在接下来的两代人中,世界60岁以上人口的数量将翻两番,从现在的6. 06亿上升到2050年的20亿),可见,老龄化是世界人化的趋势所在,因此作者是通过展示一种趋势来引出文章的主题的,故答案选B。其他三项在首段中均未提及,故排除。
