
admin2022-06-23  47

问题     且说黛玉自那日弃舟登岸时,便有荣府打发轿子并拉行李车辆伺候。这黛玉尝听得母亲说他外祖母家与别家不同;他近日所见的这几个三等的仆妇,吃穿用度,已是不凡,何况今至其家,都要步步留心,时时在意,不要多说一句话,不可多行一步路,恐被人耻笑了去。自上了轿,进了城,从纱窗中瞧了一瞧,其街市之繁华,人烟之阜盛,自非别处可比。又行了半日,忽见街北蹲着两个大石狮子,三间兽头大门,门前列坐着十来个华冠丽服之人;正门不开,只东西两角门有人出人;正门之上有一匾,匾上大书“敕造宁国府”五个大字。


答案 Daiyu left the boat landing on the bank. Just then, the Rong Mansion arranged for a sedan to carry her as well as carts to lay up the luggage. Daiyu’s mother ever told her that her grandmother’s house was splendid and magnificent. During those several days, those low-ranking women servants spent a lot on daily supplies, which already made a deep impression on Daiyu. And she knew that she should be careful everywhere in their home weighing every word and behaving well in case of being laughed at. After carried in the city, Daiyu gazed out from the screen window at the bustling streets and the numerous people. After nearly half-day’s journey, she suddenly came to see that there were two stone lions crouching in the north of the street as well as three gates with three sculptures of beast heads on them. In front of the gate there were several dozens of people sitting there in gorgeous costumes. The central gate was closed, but the other two were kept open for people to come in and out. Above the front gate, there was a board with five Chinese characters on it meaning "Built the Ningguo Mansion by order of the emperor. "

