It is no doubt a pleasant thing to have a library left you. The present writer will disclaim no such legacy, but hereby undertak

admin2015-05-24  30

问题     It is no doubt a pleasant thing to have a library left you. The present writer will disclaim no such legacy, but hereby undertakes to accept it, however dusty. But good as it is to inherit a library, it is better to collect one. Each volume then, however lightly a stranger’s eye may roam from shelf to shelf, has its own individuality, a history of its own. You remember where you got it, and how much you gave for it; and your word may safely be taken for the first of these facts, but not for the second.
    The man who has a library of his own collection is able to contemplate himself objectively, and is justified in believing in his own existence. No other man but he would have made precisely such a combination as his. Had he been in any single respect different from what he is, his library, as it exists, never would have existed. Therefore, surely he may exclaim, as in the gloaming he contemplates the backs of his loved ones, "They are mine, and I am theirs. "


答案 不过,尽管继承藏书是件好事,但自己去收藏则会更好。自己收藏的书,不管陌生人浏览一架架书时目光多么漫不经心,但每一本都有它的个性,它的来历。你记得这本书是在哪里买的,花了多少钱;你说的购书地点别人也许会相信,但价钱就不一定了。 拥有自己藏书的人能客观地检视自我,并有理由相信自己存在的价值。除他之外,别人谁也不会搜集和他种类一模一样的图书。如果他和现在的他在任何一方面有所不同,现有的藏书就不可能以如今的样子存在。所以,日落薄暮时分,当他凝望一排排心爱图书的书脊时,肯定会感叹:“它们属于我,我也属于它们。”

