A、His paper was eaten by a dog. B、He has seven papers due on the same day. C、He has forgotten about the paper. D、He has difficul

admin2017-05-17  25

W: Good afternoon, Mr. White. You are in my American History 201 class, right? How can I help you today?
M: It’s about my term paper. I know it’s due next Monday, but I was hoping... I don’t think I can get it done by then. [1]Could I please turn it in by the end of next week instead? I have a really good excuse.
W: Oh, I’m sure you do! I’ve been teaching 33 years. Do you know how many excuses I’ve heard? "My dog ate my paper." "My roommate had a party so I couldn’t concentrate." "I have seven papers due on the same day!" "I went home to see my parents and my car broke down." My favorite was a student who told me she "forgot" all about her term paper until the day before it was due. It’s amazing she remembered to come to class.
M: I didn’t forget, madam. I’ve been working on the paper,’ really! Here, I brought my outline and a rough draft. It’s just that... Well, [2]a lot of things have been going on in my life, and I’m having trouble managing things.
W: I see. You know, I assigned that paper four weeks ago, and I’ve been reminding students about it in each class. So, tell me your story. What’s happening in your life?
M: First, about two weeks ago, [3]my roommate found out his mother was real sick. So he’s been really upset, and, uh, I went home with him for a couple of days to see his mom. That caused me to miss biology lab, and I have a huge biology final coming up on Tuesday that I really need to study for this weekend. Then I got the flu last week, and missed a day of class. I tried to work on your paper that day, but I really felt horrible...
W: OK, I can understand that. I’m glad that you’re helping your roommate through a tough time. That’s more important than school work. But all this seems to have happened recently. What about the two weeks after I first assigned the term paper?
M: I guess I didn’t use that time very well. I kind of put off getting started on it.
W: Yes, you did. You know, if I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a student say that...
M: I’m sorry, Professor. I’ve learned my lesson. If I had spent just a little bit of time each week on the paper, I could have had it done on time. [4]I know now that I need to plan for unexpected things.
W: [5]You seem like a bright, conscientious young man. So I’ll tell you what. This time you can turn in your paper no later than 9 a.m. Friday, right here on my office desk.
M: Thank you, Professor! You bet I will.
1. Why does the man visit the woman?
2. What is the man’s excuse?
3. According to the man, what happened to his roommate?
4. What lesson has the man learned from talking to the woman?
5. What does the woman think of the man?

选项 A、His paper was eaten by a dog.
B、He has seven papers due on the same day.
C、He has forgotten about the paper.
D、He has difficulty managing things.


解析 ①录音中提到,学生说自己由于最近事情比较多,没有安排好时间,无法在截止日期前完成学期论文,D项has difficulty managing things是概括表达,故正确。②A“论文被狗吃了”、B“有几篇论文都是同一天要交”和C“忘记了”都是其他学生以前说过的借口。
