It is a pleasure to be here today to commemorate the first Earth Day with you by looking through this "Window on the American En

admin2013-01-06  168

问题     It is a pleasure to be here today to commemorate the first Earth Day with you by looking through this "Window on the American Environment". While I have not yet viewed the television series, from the accompanying book I can see that it is a very ambitious effort. The producers have interviewed a large number of environmental leaders in the United States, from early founders back in the 1970s through those involved in the contemporary movement. //
    I am sure you will hear many different opinions, because the diversity of the American environmental movement is part of its strength. The ability of individuals and non-governmental organizations to express their opinions and make their voices heard in the press and in the electoral process is the root of the movement and why it flourishes today. I vividly remember going outdoors with my elementary school class on Earth Day 1970 to examine our environment by looking at what grew in the pond behind our school. The motto of that first Earth Day was "think globally, act locally", and our young teacher wanted us to better understand what was right around us. //
    Nowadays teachers have access to all sorts of wonderful educational materials to help students study the environment and learn about concepts like biodiversity, climate change and protection of the ozone layer that were still foreign to us in 1970. But we knew then about toxic chemicals, deforestation, water pollution—the subject of our pond study—and land use issues, and we were learning to understand how much of an impact these could make on our futures. //
    Earth Day 1970 was a novel idea proposed by individuals—not a government—that grew on its own, so that in that very first year, over 20 million Americans participated. We said, "think globally", but Americans were not yet thinking as much beyond their borders as we do today. Equally it would have been unimaginable in 1970 that China would air a 22-part television series on the United States. It would be another two years before the images of President Nixon’s famous trip to China would be broadcast on our television screens in the United States and we started to have the opportunity to learn about each other. //
    Today the United States and China have a great deal to celebrate together for Earth Day. We are working together in areas from water conservation to the protection of endangered species to the development of new, cleaner sources of energy. We have an active program to work with Beijing to support its goal of a Green Olympics in 2008. Together we are researching climate change and exploring the possibilities for using hydrogen and fusion as energy sources. The United States government, through agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, the Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Parks Service and dozens more has an active program of cooperation with its Chinese counterparts. //


答案 我很高兴来到这里与大家一起通过《美国环境之窗》这个节目纪念第一个地球日。虽然我还没有看过这个电视系列片。但我通过配套的介绍材料知道这是一个大手笔。节目制作者采访了很多美国环保运动领袖,从七十年代的早期创始人到当代环保运动的参与者。// 我确信你们在这里会听到许多不同的观点,因为美国环保运动的多样性正是其强大影响力的部分原因。个人以及非政府组织能够表达自己的观点并在新闻媒体及选举过程中发表看法,这些正是美国环保运动的基础,也是其至今长盛不衰的原因。1970年那个地球日仍然让我记忆犹新。当时我在上小学,那天我和同学们走到室外通过观察学校后面池塘里的生物来了解我们的环境。那是第一个地球日,口号是“心系全球,从我做起”。我们年轻的老师希望我们更好地了解周围的环境。// 现在的老师们有各种各样精彩的教材来帮助学生们了解环境,学习诸如生物多样性、气候变化和臭氧层保护等概念。而在七十年代,这些概念对我们来说仍是陌生的。但是我们听说过有毒化学物质、荒漠化以及我们那次池塘研究的题目——水污染,还有土地使用问题。我们当时通过学习去了解这些对我们的未来会产生多大的影响。// 1970年地球日的创意是由个人,而不是政府提出的,因此它依靠其自身的力量发展壮大。在第一年就有2千万美国人参与到活动中来。我们说“心系全球”,但那时美国人还没有像现在这样真正的想到美国本土以外的情况。同样,在1970年的中国,播出一部22集有关美国的电视系列片也是不可想象的。又过了两年之后,美国总统尼克松访华的画面才在美国的电视里播出,我们才开始有机会相互了解。// 今天,美国和中国在地球日这一天有许多共同的庆祝活动。我们两国在水土保持,濒危物种保护,新清洁能源开发等很多领域进行协作。我们现在正与北京进行积极的合作以支持其2008年绿色奥运的目标。我们还在进行气候变化的研究,并探索将氢能及核聚变作为能源加以利用的可能性。美国政府,通过美国环保局,能源部。鱼和野生动物署,国家公园管理局以及其他几十个这样的机构,正与中方的合作伙伴开展有效的合作。//

