
admin2015-12-25  25

问题     最近大众媒体经常披露腐败案例。一些高级官员挪用公款,还有一些领导滥用职权。一些其他的腐败现象,如玩忽职守或是收受贿赂也众人皆知。这导致经济的发展受到严重的影响,为建立一个清廉政府所做出的努力变得没有了意义。腐败影响了国家利益,同时也打击了人们的积极性。我们的政府已经意识到了这一问题的严重性。随着中国持续改革和对外开放,反腐事宜成为重中之重。


答案 Recently corruption cases are frequently exposed by public media. Some high ranking officials embezzle state fund and some leaders abuse power. Some other corruption behaviors like malpractice or bribery are also known by the public. As a result, the development of the economy is seriously affected and the great efforts to build a clean and honest government prove to be meaningless. Corruption badly affects state interests and obviously dampens people’s enthusiasm. Our government has realized the seriousness of corruption problems. As China continues its reforms and opens to the outside world, anti-corruption becomes something to be done in high priority. With the measures taken by the government, corruption behaviors have been curbed to some extent. In the future, an even greater effort is needed in the fight against them. Governments at all levels should make more efforts to combat corruption. Laws already in effect must be strictly enforced. Anti-corruption agencies should intensify punishment on bribery. All in all, greater importance should be attached to the anti-corruption campaign.

